Postby Ace » Mon May 22, 2006 2:14 pm
I will admit, when 2k3 came out, I was one of the ones bitching about the movement (used to UT99). I didn't use the dodge jumping for a long time, because I didn't have to. Once I got use to it, I stopped bitching, it was good for the game.
This dumbing down of the games anyoys the shit out of me. Watching the latest videos, I don't have high hopes, they are pulling the same crap everybody else does, add eye candy, make it so every brain dead kid can play.
There are reasons I don't play Quake 4, it moves like a garden slug, textures look like a Japanese cartoon, and the power-ups and weapons look like they were designed by retarded blind kids held back in the first grade. Don't understand why they continute to make UT as close to Quake as they can. Why not just come out and name the game Q-ut 4.5?
Dodge jumping made the game unque, taking that away is like going back in time. And this is coming from a guy that moves like shit, but I respect the people who move well because they can. I like the fact that my disadvantage in movement comes from that fact that it's my own fault, not the game manufactures making it easier for me to compete.