What have yall been doing with your time?

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What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby Machinezway » Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:23 am

Hey to everyone who remembers the old man of the clan. Yes its really me, It's Machinezway, the legend, the old man :) . I know yall have been getting along without me but I still like to pop in and see how things are going with yall. What version on UT are yall gaming on now? I may install it and come see yall. What time do you all come online? EST that is :)

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby sihunt » Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:26 am

I thought I was "The Old Man". LOL!!! Hi Machine!!! What have you been doing lately?

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby pewterdragn » Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:40 am

two old timers returning from the grave? how drunk were you guys?
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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby sihunt » Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:44 am

LoL!!! I don't drink anymore pewter!!! I just got this message from the TI site in my e-mail from Machine. I haven't heard from him in a few years now. I think it has been a couple years since I wrote to you as well pew.

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby pewterdragn » Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:17 pm

I know dude - you are more of a ghost than I am these days.

Game is still UT2004, although Sid's been talking about adding a few new ones. We tried UT3, it sucked, we killed it.
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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby Machinezway » Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:18 pm

I have just been working and going to school ! Getting my degree finally, Hoping to open my own networking biz here in town after I get my degree. No one here offers networking support locally, its all contract work :)

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby Machinezway » Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:20 pm

Hell Im just glad to see yall still around and Kickin :) And I never thought you were ols SI, that was you who said that u were old :)
Now I feel old , My daughter turns 18 in less than a month!!! its scary lol

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby sihunt » Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:36 pm

Hi pew good to see you again!!! And Machine...I forgot you had a daughter!!! LOL!!!! See I am old...and senile. LOL!!!! Machine there is good money in networking. Good luck with your career!!!

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby Machinezway » Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:13 pm

Yeah I'm HOPING ( /crosses fingers) that I can start my own company. There is a lack of networking companies in this area. And I already have Plans to expand into other areas once the networking side is in place.

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby sihunt » Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:45 am

Good for you. Good Luck.

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby Machinezway » Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:32 am

sO WHATS EVERYONE ELSE BEEN UP TO? What have you been up to Si? What games are yall playin now?

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby sihunt » Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:13 am

Hi machine. I just started playing a new game just a few days ago. It is called Heroes of Might and Magic IV. I have had the game for a few years and could never figure out how to play it. So I gave it a try the other day and found it was pretty good. It is a combination of turn based strategy and role playing. Another game I play is Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific. I started a new hobby back in March. Lizard keeping. I have a female Gargoyle Gecko. In April I built a 60" X 31" X 24" enclosure out of plywood and make a desert vivarium. I later bought a Chuckwalla lizard for it. Also back in January I rebuilt my computer. It has an Intel i5 860 with Windows 7 in it. Once in a great while I play Quake 3 Arena against the bots with the rail gun but I suck. As all you guys know out there, to play a FPS you gutta practice, practice, practice. I still have UT 03 and 04 but not installed. If enough requests come from members for me to come back as cannon fodder, I might consider it. LOL!!!!

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Re: What have yall been doing with your time?

Postby Machinezway » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:57 pm

HAhA I hear that. I'm afraid I wont be much more than cannon fodder myself. My FPS skills are rusty. I am in the process of upgrading one of my systems , just waiting on the parts to get here. I want windows 7 , have a copy of the 64 bit , but cant use it because my school software inst 100% compatible yet so Im stuck with xp :)
Heroes of Might and magic is a pretty decent game. I played it and beat it , then haven't touched it since lol. I still have the UT 2k4 as well :) Just haven't had much time for gaming.And I haven't played quake since you and I played it last :)

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