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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Porkinator » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:39 pm

pewterdragn wrote:
Porkinator wrote:Brand yes you paying out the ass for a Mac.
Quality ?
I got news for you that Apple does not make hard drives motherboards dvdrw or CPUs.
What they do is charge you double sometimes triple what the average joe blow can buy the same components for a PC .
They design the case and that is about it.
The only thing unique about Macs is their OS which is fuctional to say the best,
Limited is more like it. If Microsoft did not do Office for Macs in the early days I would doubt they would be in existance.
I put Mac users more in the realm of followers of the Church of Sciencetology
in terms of their rabid devotion to the brand name.
If they are so great why they make up less than 6 per cent of the computers out there?

Don't use a Dell as a comparison . Dell is a peice of shit. I hear a lot of stories about the Airbook over heating.
Just because the avarage family can't afford a Mac does not mean it is a better product. Just over priced.
I see very few businesses running mac OS . If it is better how come ?
There are about 10 games that run on mac ?
I guess you feel honored when upgrading mac as you have to mortage the farm to buy the parts .
Really the Mac mentality borders on a a cult thing.
Remember there are no virgins that own a Mac.
You are screwed when you get one .

This is like shooting fish in a barrel:
Macbook Price to Dell
Macbook Pro vs Dell Comparison

And for Quality, go put a plastic Inspiron next to a MacBook Pro... close the lid and twist... which one makes cracking noises and flexes from slight pressure? The Dell...

NO ONE makes all their own parts. Computers, Cars, Boats, even book cases and BBQs are all just assembled. And they only design the case? Go look at an iMac PCB or the Macbook Air, even the Mac Pro. Thats some of the best component engineering in the business - rivaling Sun Microsystems which is pretty darn high on the list.

And please, let's not compare OSX to Vista. Any of the Macs can run the beast... but the most customers are running from it. How about MacBook Pro being the fastest Vista Laptop available? Why does Microsoft sell Mac versions of office? Maybe because 20% of Office sales are to Mac users and Microsoft made Office products for Mac before Windows versions.

Oh yeah, Apple sales were up 14% of units sold last month and 25% of dollar shares. That means for every $1 spent on PC sales in the country, Apple saw $0.25 of that.

Why aren't they they most common thing out there? Cause the average US family income is less then $50,000 and 20% of the country earns less then $25,000. If they are lucky enough to buy a computer they are in the sub-$600 market. And that doesn't get you a Lexus/Cadillac/Lincoln/InsertFavoritePremiumBrandHere (notice the underlining).

Church of Scientology comparison? You sound like an Islamic Extremist lumping togeher things you don't understand. Don't be a jealous hater, I know you're better then that! :)
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Sideous Prime » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:21 am

wow you guys took those video's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously. please don't take these as a mac bash, just observations. but my questions are....

1. are macs overpriced? hell yeah. tell you what, if i could buy a cheap dell, HP, or whatever and buy leopard off the shelf for $120 and know that the POS i bought would be supported i would do it. but you can' yeah. more on this later.

2. why are they so expensive? it can't just be the engineering. c'mon. after all they are "just assembled" and you can't tell me that macs are so damn good that they charge that much for just delivering it.

3. is leopard better than vista? absolutely. not only do you need only one version of
leopard and you get everything but you can run it cross platform. non of this "i can run vista but i can't run aero and it takes longer to start up and apps take longer to load than on xp." you don't necessarily need 4 gigs of ram to make leopard to run smoothly. however, leopard does have it's catches. there is give and take.

4. why the hell are macs so proprietary? they run on the intel platform but the specs for osx are still very stingy. osx is better than vista but i don't think it's better than xp. if apple believes so strongly that their product is better than M$, why don't they support more hardware? is it because the more hardware you support the more unstable your OS becomes? another double edged sword.

4. are macs better than pc's? if you're a hobbyist, yes. if you're a realist, no. it's like peanut butter. neither peanuts, nor butter. ponder.....
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Sideous Prime » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:25 am

and pork, being a Bible believing God fearing person that bit about the church of scientology was the dumbest thing i've ever heard.
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Nytefyre » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:34 am

you all should join the church of lizardology...

unlike tom kruse, i only laugh maniacally in UT....and sometymes bed....

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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Porkinator » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:13 am

Sideous Prime wrote:and pork, being a Bible believing God fearing person that bit about the church of scientology was the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

Sid try reading the forums sober.
I was talking about the rabidness of their followers.
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Sideous Prime » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:19 am

Porkinator wrote:
Sideous Prime wrote:and pork, being a Bible believing God fearing person that bit about the church of scientology was the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

Sid try reading the forums sober.
I was talking about the rabidness of their followers.

I KNOW!!!! they are rabid. You and i may think they are misguided but guess what, they think the same about you and me.
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Porkinator » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:36 am

Sideous Prime wrote:
Porkinator wrote:
Sideous Prime wrote:and pork, being a Bible believing God fearing person that bit about the church of scientology was the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

Sid try reading the forums sober.
I was talking about the rabidness of their followers.

I KNOW!!!! they are rabid. You and i may think they are misguided but guess what, they think the same about you and me.

Check into rehab ASAP.
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Sideous Prime » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:24 am

Porkinator wrote:Sid, Check into rehab ASAP.

Pork, you make about as much sense as the term "Mac Gamers."

Speaking of macs......
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Ace » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:58 am

pewterdragn wrote:
This is like shooting fish in a barrel:
Macbook Price to Dell
Macbook Pro vs Dell Comparison

And for Quality, go put a plastic Inspiron next to a MacBook Pro... close the lid and twist... which one makes cracking noises and flexes from slight pressure? The Dell...

Not to shoot the messenger (I can't because the bitch is never in the game), but in your plastic comparison isn't fair. The Inspiron line is low end and isn't even used in either article. At the same time I say that, Apple does make some very nice plastic, I won't argue that at all. In fact, I'll even go on record as saying they make the best casings. Doesn't change the fact that everything inside the plastic is sh*t though.

My all time favorite iMacdon'tknowshit story:

A few years ago a DSL Mac customer of mine comes in and wants wifi. I tell them they all they need is a $50 Linksys router and they'll be all set. They don't believe me, go to a Mac store and end up with a $250 Apple Airport UFO looking POS after the sales guy tells them their Apple, whatever they had, will only work with the Airport. By some miracle, the Airport didn't work, so they stopped in to talk to me again. They told me what the sales guy said, I told them that it was a lie and to go out get a Linksys router, if I couldn't make it work, I'd buy it from them. Needless to say, they brought me in cookies for saving them $200 bucks.

It was pure luck that the Airport didn't work and DOA's can happen, that's not the issue. The issue is first of all, WTF is that cost about?! If I remember correctly, it doesn't even have 4 ports on it. Paying $200 for better plastic and for it looking like a UFO when it's an inferior product is crazy. The second and I suppose I'll assume it's a jackass sales guy, but still....that is the god damn stupidest thing I've ever heard...needing a Apple product to talk to an Apple product via a set standard.

(Going back to Dragn's post with sales numbers) I don't buy into the whole .25 of every dollar goes to Apple now either. Somebody is twisting those numbers. There's no way those numbers are only looking at PC sales. They are pulling those figures looking at all the ipod, itunes, and iphone numbers to get to that figure. Apple has their niche market with the PC's, but it's not growing. You can't increase sales without some kind of software platform to cause people to want it. It can be the coolest looking, best plastic in the world, but it ain't shit if it can't run 90% of what's out there.

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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby pewterdragn » Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:45 pm

Ace wrote:(Going back to Dragn's post with sales numbers) I don't buy into the whole .25 of every dollar goes to Apple now either. Somebody is twisting those numbers. There's no way those numbers are only looking at PC sales. They are pulling those figures looking at all the ipod, itunes, and iphone numbers to get to that figure. Apple has their niche market with the PC's, but it's not growing. You can't increase sales without some kind of software platform to cause people to want it. It can be the coolest looking, best plastic in the world, but it ain't shit if it can't run 90% of what's out there.

Those are for the month of Feb - New Leopard updates + Macbook Air launch. And yes, they cost more so selling fewer units still gives them a bigger piece of that dollar. Plus look at the firm that did the research, I'd bet was limited to US only.
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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Hoss » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:03 pm

You Fuktards! Just wasted 5 min reading this!

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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Hoss » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:13 pm

LOL - funny videos though - and I think I will stop calling Nyte a hooker - from now on I use "Fuktard" :twisted:

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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Yrrek » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:15 pm

lol, Hoss.

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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Ace » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:00 am

Hoss wrote:You Fuktards! Just wasted 5 min reading this!

Hey Hoss, THIS is for you!

Take that, biatch.

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Re: Cntrl - Cloverleaf - Spacebar - WTFBBQ?!?!

Postby Hoss » Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:52 pm

Fine! No more steaks 4 U!

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