An Inconvenient Truth

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An Inconvenient Truth

Postby Yrrek » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:42 pm

Everyone needs to see this movie. I was shocked, much of this information was new to me. I don't know how much you all know about global warming, but if you don't know much this film does an excellent job explaining everything in clear language. Spread the word, this effects everyone. Check it out.



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Postby Porkinator » Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:44 am

From what I have heard about this movie is they leave out a lot of studies that shows just the oppisite. It only shows one side of the argument. Take it with a grain of salt.
Better yet a 50 lb bag of salt..

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Postby nonstop » Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:39 am

Porkinator wrote:From what I have heard about this movie is they leave out a lot of studies that shows just the oppisite. It only shows one side of the argument. Take it with a grain of salt.
Better yet a 50 lb bag of salt..

Unless you have drank the koolaide, Global Warming isn't even up for debate anymore, it's not a question of 'whether or not' in the scientific community, only a question of 'when' the effects will be seen the most.

MYTH: The science behind the theory of global warming is too uncertain to draw conclusions useful to policy makers.
FACT: The primary scientific debate is about how much and how fast, rather than whether, additional warming will occur as a result of human-produced GHG emissions. While skeptics like to emphasize the lower end of warming projections, uncertainty actually applies to both ends of the spectrum--the climate could change even more dramatically than most models predict. Finally, in matters other than climate change, policy decisions based on uncertain information are made routinely by governments to ensure against undesirable outcomes. In the case of global warming, scientists have given society an early warning on its possibly dangerous, irreversible and widespread impacts.

MYTH: Global warming can't be happening, since winters have been getting colder.
FACT: Winters have been getting warmer. Measurements show that Earth's climate has warmed overall over the past century, in all seasons, and in most regions. The skeptics mislead the public when they bill the winter of 2003-2004 as record cold in the northeastern United States. That winter was only the 33rd coldest in the region since records began in 1896. Furthermore, a single spell of cold weather in one small region is no indication of cooling of the global climate, which refers to a long-term average over the entire planet.

MYTH: Satellite measurements of temperature over the past two decades show a much smaller warming in the atmosphere than is measured by thermometers at the surface. This contradicts global warming predictions based on climate models.
FACT: Recent research has corrected problems that led to underestimates of the warming trend in earlier analyses of satellite data. The new results show an atmospheric warming trend slightly larger than at the surface, exactly as models predict.

MYTH: The global warming over the past century is nothing unusual. For example, the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), roughly from A.D. 1000 to 1400, was warmer than the 20th century. This indicates the global warming we are experiencing now is part of a natural cycle.
FACT: Ten independent scientific studies all have found a large 20th-century warming trend compared to temperature changes over the past millennium or two. Uncertainty exists as to exactly how warm the present is compared to the MWP. Some studies have received valid criticism for possibly underestimating the magnitude of longer-lasting, century-scale temperature changes, such as the warming during the MWP. However, other studies, using different methods, still find no evidence of any period during the last 2,000 years that was warmer than the 1990s. Most importantly, any uncertainty about whether the present is warmer than the MWP has little effect on the finding that humans likely have caused most of the warming over the past 50 years. A separate body of studies has provided the main evidence for this finding. (See the Myth on causes of warming.)

MYTH: Human activities contribute only a small fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, far too small to have a significant effect on the concentration of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
FACT: Before the Industrial Revolution, the amount of CO2 emitted from large natural sources closely matched the amount that was removed through natural processes. That balance has now been upset by human activities, which since the Industrial Revolution have put twice as much CO2 into the atmosphere as can be readily removed by the oceans and forests. This has resulted in the accumulation of CO2 to the highest levels in 420,000 years.

MYTH: The Earth's warming is caused by natural factors like increased sunlight and sunspots or decreased cosmic rays, not by greenhouse gases (GHGs).
FACT: Modeling studies indicate that most of the warming over the past several decades was probably caused by the increase in human-produced GHGs. Climate models have difficulty reproducing the observed temperature changes over the past 150 years unless they account for the increase in GHGs as well as natural factors, such as sunlight and volcanic eruptions, and changes in the amount of human-produced sulfate particles, which cool the planet. Satellite measurements of the intensity of sunlight exhibit little or no trend over the past 25 years, when there was rapid warming on Earth. The purported correlations between the amount of cosmic rays and Earth's temperature are the result of flawed analysis methods.

MYTH: The warming observed during the past century was caused by urbanization (urban heat island effect).
FACT: Urbanization does increase temperatures locally, affecting thermometer readings in certain areas. But the temperature data used in trend analyses are adjusted to remove any bias from urbanization. In any case, urbanization has an insignificant effect on global temperature trends.

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Postby -Jeta- » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:14 pm

Ok .. thats wayyy to much text for me to read :)
... WTF ...

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Postby law.of.averages » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:14 pm

I like the myth's better, can I believe those instead?

I got to thinking about power generation...there's where all our problems are... Most of our power generation--coal, oil, nat gas, even nuclear... are all about releasing the energy bound up in matter.

That means the only real answers will be found in the, wind, geo-thermal, hyrdo-electric.


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Postby Ace » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:16 pm

Myth: Nonstop has kids that take up all of his time
Fact: The energy required to make a post of that size, just increased the earth's temp by a full degree!

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Postby myxxplyxx » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:36 pm

myth: Apollo is the Sun God...he's really p1ssed off and that's why it's so dam hot. :lol:

I'd rather believe the myths too!!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sometimes fairy tales are easier to believe than the startling truth.

i guess we'll pay for soon is the ????? :evil:

where is this Kool-Aid you speak of, it's awfully hot out! :) :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby Porkinator » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:50 pm

I prefer the global warming produced by increasing the air temperature in Syria and Iran by 15,000 degrees in one big flash.

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Postby pewterdragn » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:17 pm

1337 (_)И][× HàЖØ®§ p\/\/И

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Postby myxxplyxx » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:29 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: @ the other funny white meat
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Postby Soulja » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:55 pm

What nonstop said. I've been reading up on this a lot lately, and not from news sites, a lot from government and scientific research sites (been looking for books, but they are too expensive.) What most people need to realize is that the worst case scenario is that we put so much CO2 and other GHG into the atmosphere, that it causes the greenhouse effect, much like what is seen on Venus. Like I said, worst case scenario. If we attack this problem within the next 10 years, we can see improvements and much better results. But if we choose to ignore it, like some of the government seems to be doing, we could see at least half of the planets population die off, and many of the areas where we harvested food and were areas for agriculture, would burn up and be desert. Imagine Southern California as a desert, completely desolate (because of extreme temperatures, and more of a desert than it is now.) Another thing we have to worry about is that more UV rays will be trapped into earths atmosphere and not bounce back, making skin cancer more common. It's all an extremely scary thing, and for people to brush it off and say nothing is of sheer ignorance on their part. The best part about it is that we arent at that irreversable stage yet, and we can change certain things about our everyday lives that can help. Like they say, if you arent part of the solution, your part of the problem. ... index.html

Some good information on global warming and prevention. Looks like its time to stop driving SUVs and Sports Cars, and start thinking about hybrids, electric, and diesel.
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Postby Soulja » Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:02 pm

I just saw this but the website Yrrek posted also has good energy savers on it. One of the tips is to unplug electronic devices when not using them. I can't remember where I read this (on a science website or something), but unplugging your TV alone when not using it, will cause you to save about 10-20 dollars on your electric bill per month (depending on the size of the TV, and how much your charged for electric of course.) But it does save a significant amount.
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Postby Houdini » Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:59 pm

That whole inconvenient Truth movie is just to get people elected on there environmental platform and then they will go about business as usual. Al Gore did "invent the internet" though so who knows. :P

Also I don’t know how many of you remember this but that staged kiss Al Gore did with his wife during the last election but it was the single grossest thing that has ever been on TV. :x

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Postby Porkinator » Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:20 pm

Al Gore is an idiot.
I agree we need to cut down on emissions for the sake of the planet but a good side effect of alternative fuels is it gives less money to those Islamic terrorists to use against the free world.
I think there might be something to global warming but I am more concerned about a major attack from those bed sheeted assh**es.

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Postby Ace » Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:16 pm

I'm not concerned about global warming.
I'm not concerned Ntye will flash his bios to stop global warming.
I'm not concerned with people trying to blow me up (outside of UT of course).
I'm not concerned of soccer attempting to become a better sport then football.
I'm not concerned Jeta will drink the entire supply of Smirnoff.

I am concerned about not getting laid, period.

Priorities People!

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