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Postby Nytefyre » Mon May 26, 2008 10:39 am

ok, im bored, and this has probably been done somewhere b4, but we have also had some new members/friends join since then...soooo

please write here in this thread the story or reason behind ur name/handle in UT, what other names u have used, and why u use the skin that u have in-game if u use one konsistantly...i suppose u dont have to post here, but i think it would be fun to have a little background 'y u are who u are in the UT world'...

ill go first...

ive used 'nytefyre' ever since UT2K3...ive been using this name ever since the start of UT2K3, but i thought it up towards the end of UT99...i was using a console for UT99, and never played online, but i thought that would be a good name to have...y? still not sure...just thought it sounded kool, and i decided to personalize it by adding the Y's...there were many other names out there with the 'night/nite/nyte' variation, including an old klan member who had the name 'nite'...but, i seemed to be the only one who kept the name special reason...just liked it...i did think about changing it once, but decided against it...even but up an old vote, and had others tell me their opinion...never had another name...

ok, now for the skin...lizard, as most people refer to it...the story behind this was that at the time, almost no one was usng this race of skin, and i liked the way it looked...actually, one of my favorite movies is 'Preditor', and i thought this skin looked the most like the alien...that, and in TDM, i have a special passion for going invis, and, well, the preditor alien likes his invis 2...soooo, ya, thats y im lizard...

that, and i now have a reputation (good or bad, im not sure, lol) with this name and skin, and it identifies me now in-game, so it wont be changing any time soon...if ever...

there is my UT story...ok, whats urs?
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Re: Names?

Postby Duffy » Mon May 26, 2008 11:57 am

Well when I originally started it was DuffyIrish Duffy last name. Irish bing my heritage well it soon was discovered that everyone called me Duffy so i just shortened it and took the Irish out of it. Have used this name since UT99 ,have used FUBAR at times when aliasing but I haven't used it in awhile.
Don't really have a specific player and honestly haven't found one I really like that much hence why I change it every so often.
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Re: Names?

Postby law.of.averages » Mon May 26, 2008 6:48 pm

I started playing UT2003 out of pity. My X-wife was late *again* with my son's birthday or christmas present, and I was wandering around Sams club and saw the box. I figured I'd get a copy for him to take his mind off it. What the hell, for once the little bastard didn't do anything wrong :D

Anyways, about 3 hours later, I sent Mrs. Law back to Sams to get another copy so I could put him back in his place.

I started with Mr. Poopy Pants, figuring it to be a good 'noob name' that nobody would ever take seriously. It didn't take long, maybe 3 weeks of playing to see that my scores were all over the map. One night I'd be top of the board (yea, I was that good in 2k3) next I'd be bottom of the barrel.

I took the name Law.of.Averages... the misconception that random events have to follow a pattern. The gambler's mantra, that in the end all things will balance out and become even.

Got recruited by Dejavu and LeaKe into Knights of the Republic until that just seemed to fall apart about the time 2004 came out... Then Houdini sent me the fateful message "Lawdog, I heard abou this great group we should try to get into called Tribal Instinct"

I repayed him by making him wait 3 years before sponsoring him.

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Re: Names?

Postby Sideous Prime » Mon May 26, 2008 9:42 pm

no were Mr. Poopy Pants?? no way!
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Re: Names?

Postby Deadly » Tue May 27, 2008 10:27 am

I became DeadlyDoRight because I wanted a name that had a bit of whimsy. I always liked the Fred Ward cartoons, and the idea of riffing on the name "Dudley Do Right of the RCMP" just came to me. This was back in 2k3 days when I first had the temerity to venture online. I don't even remember any of the first few names that I tried. I'm glad that I never thought of "Gorge of the Bungle" or "Bullwrinkle".

I changed Dudley to Deadly to suit the context of the game, what with the fragging and the killing, and all. I wasn't particularly deadly as Deadly at first, but I had aspirations. After getting a little experience, like Law, my scores went from top to bottom in TDM, which I soon discovered that I preferred to the other game types.

Now, everyone knows me as Deadly. I suppose I could drop the DoRight, but the humor still appeals to me. Maybe one Nyte I'll play as DeadlyLiberal to amuse Pork.... Thank goodness there's no Law about in game name consistency, which is a Prime consideration for me. Well, no sense in Dragon this out much longer. I'd need to be Houdini himself to pull off any more puns. And, I don't want to Tigger a pun war.

I can't wait to Myxx it up with my clan mates this evening. And hey, it's time to get off my Duff(y) and go to work.

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Re: Names?

Postby Deadly » Tue May 27, 2008 10:32 am

Oh yeah, my skin. It's a prosaic choice. I picked it because it's hard to see at a distance in non bright skins servers. Matrix and Tamika have good camouflage too. I've been toying with the idea of trying on Matrix for a while, just to confuse the innocent.

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Re: Names?

Postby MadSkittles » Tue May 27, 2008 12:46 pm

Well I only started playing unreal since ut2k4. But my name came over from when I was playing the game called tanarus. I originally created the name MadSkittles as a slang for "Mad Skills" just something a little goofy cause that fits my personality. Towards the end of playing tanarus and coming over to ut2k4 the name really started to take on a new meaning with younger players starting to play these games and they took it literally for angry or mad skittle candies running around. I thought about it and decided to let it go cause whats goofier or funnier then a bunch of little angry fruity colorful skittles running at you ?

I have also used the name Skitzoid as a name too cause it fits better for a more serious first person shooter type game. I came up with it simply by a shortened form of skittles " skitz" and then Skitzoid.

Most my career I chose the blue robot with the blue face shield because blue was one of my fav colors so didnt like the green face shield one. Also just think about myself in a game as some advanced "ai" unit, that at first doesnt know a whole lot but as it watches different things it learns and adapts. As of recently though I have been using the female unit with the black hair simply cause shes hot and I like the flips they do sometimes makes it harder for ur enemies to tell where ya going.

So I want to know how many of you thought of Madskittles as angry little candies or "Mad Skills"?

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Re: Names?

Postby Ace » Tue May 27, 2008 2:13 pm

Mine is nothing more then a joke that backfired. Back in the UT99 days, a group of coworkers and I would stay after work and play UT. Somehow we found about a LAN party in the near future with a tournament of 5v5 CTF. We entered, pre-tournament we are playing deathmatches with a number of the other clans and other people. Up until this point, we always just used our first names while in the game. These people were playing with Termin8r, DeathGod, type bad ass names. When it came time to enter the tournament, my coworker and I thought it would be funny to goof on these people, so we signed up as Gary and Ace.


The Ambiguously Gay Duo.

We thought for sure people in the tournament would put the two together that we were goofing on their names....instead nobody even blinked at our names and the joke was completey lost.

As it turned out, I ended up having to play a DM with the other 4 captains of other teams to determine the seed of the teams and made a name for myself in one match:

Since then, I've always been Ace. Sure it sounds like I'm a cocky, fly-boy, type...but it reality comes down to making a joke of the goofy names because I thought they were gay. As far as the skin, use the one on my avatar because that's pretty much how my hair looks in real life.

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Re: Names?

Postby law.of.averages » Tue May 27, 2008 5:57 pm

Sideous Prime wrote:no were Mr. Poopy Pants?? no way!

Yes way. While many may think I just pulled that one out of my arse, I actually got it from "The Naked Gun"

Oh, and I picked the Thorax skin just because of the way UT2003 shouted "Thorax" when I selected him.

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Re: Names?

Postby Porkinator » Tue May 27, 2008 6:27 pm

I got mine from Hexen.
Defination below.
An often overlooked enemy is the pig. Using the porkalator, the player may transform nonboss enemies into pigs (similar to Heretic's Morph Ovum). The pig is very weak; its bites do little damage, and it is relatively easy to kill.

The player may also transform himself into a pig to pass hallways with low ceilings; he can do this by either standing in front of a porkalator trap, or firing a porkalator at a reflecting enemy. Pig players have 30 health and may throw flechettes like a Fighter.

As you can see I sorta change the name some but that is the origin of the weak pig that does little damage except I get to use a rocket launcher !!!
This game goes back to 1996 and some great background sound effects and was a blast to play.
It was one of the best games to play until Duke Nukem came out then the Unreal seriess.
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Re: Names?

Postby Rall_Ricker » Wed May 28, 2008 11:42 pm

mine comes from b4 i started playing it does not mean i lick balls..... nyte used to be even more retarded than he is now and always used to say balls!!! randomly and i just thot it would be cool to use scooby-doo and his using r's for the start of every word=Rall_Ricker. skin just looked cool
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Re: Names?

Postby Trinity » Fri May 30, 2008 3:42 pm

All the guys I worked with were playing this game after work; UT something or the other. I didn't buy my first computer until 2000 so I got a late start on the original, but as soon as I learned about LAN games I had to pick a cool name so i could join in the fun. One of my favorite bad azz movie chicks is Trinity from the Matrix. So, I picked the name hoping to gain some inspiration and because I thought she was cool.

As for my skin: I can't even remember what I used back in those days. When UT2003 came out I don't remember what I used then either. Then, I learned you could unlock skins by beating the campaign. That's when i settled on Lauren. She looked human (Trinity is only a human), and you had to do some extra in order to be able to use it. I've stuck with it ever since.

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Re: Names?

Postby Porkinator » Fri May 30, 2008 4:02 pm

Nytefyre = Torturer of pigs
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Re: Names?

Postby MadSkittles » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:29 pm

Is that in your love triangle late nights pork ? I heard some weird noises coming from that door but i did not dare enter.

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Re: Names?

Postby Porkinator » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:10 pm

MadSkittles wrote:Is that in your love triangle late nights pork ? I heard some weird noises coming from that door but i did not dare enter.

I'm happy are you? Wanna be ?
OMG !! Skittles has joined a cult.
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