Non and Sid, and for those intuitive musical people

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Non and Sid, and for those intuitive musical people

Postby Soulja » Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:31 pm

Non, Pat Martino ( ) did a workshop at my school today, and the only thing i have to say is WOW. The man is a genius, and he came prepared with a 20 page packet of improv work (no one before him has ever really done that.) I'm just curious if you listen to him at all?

Some of the things he talked about was, taking the Alphabet, and lining them up with the musical alphabet. So it looked something like this, with a C Major Scale.

and he would spell different words, and they would actually relate to the feeling of the word compared to the musical and verbal alphabet. Quite impressive. Take the two words Beautiful and Ugly, and fill out the rest of the system and arrange the notes in a way they express the actual word. Check it out for yourself, very cool...
"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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Postby nonstop » Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:21 pm

Thanks for sharing, and yes he's a very accomplished player. Did you get to jam with him at all?

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Postby Soulja » Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:07 pm

No, he only had an hour and a half. :(
"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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