Map suggestions for PewterDragon

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Postby nonstop » Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:31 am

ClownMajik wrote:
Ace wrote:
Naix wrote:Lastly, If someone is really good, but a total jerk, i cant see them getting into the clan. This is a community, not a gang of "l337's"

I joined this clan because I'm a jerk and I'm 1337!!111!

My world is crashing down before me, please tell me this is untrue.

Just because you have made out with a cardboard cutout of Fatal1ty, that doesnt make you |_337!


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Postby law.of.averages » Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:17 am

NegativeX wrote:If you are getting tired of the "popular maps" then dont play there. Everyone else will.

So you're saying if Pewter don't like the maps he should avoid his own server?!? :shock: :arrow: :oops:

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Postby NegativeX » Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:41 pm

Its his server. Pewter can do what he wants, he can force a map change. Then everyone will leave, and he can play the map alone.

Im tired of arguing over this, do what you want. Nobody sees what Im seeing. Thats okay, we are people, everyone has a different oppinion. Bottom line is I dont pay for it, so I dont make the descisions. Why pay for a server that stays empty most of the time though? Unless its a good map, then I cant get in.

Oh, btw: Much love to Pewter just for paying for a server, you help keep the community alive. Thanks man.

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Postby Naix » Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:38 pm

World War III will be fought using atomic weapons, the war after that will be fought using sticks and stones.

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