I would like 2 apply to the \tI/ clan for the Unreal Tournament game.
Wut is good about me:
-MILD case of downs means extra slick drool-induced mouse pad. I can slide quick for leet killZzZ!!!
-I already have awesome key binds setup so I won't have to set them up Again! My favorites are:
L=say "LOL... Nice BS kill n00bface, Y dont U learn to pick up a gun other than flAk once ina while so U can get REEL Killzzzz!"
K=say "ROFL... Nice aimbot AzzClown. Y don't U turn it off 4 A map, and WEwill C if U can still hit a FEcking Thing!!"
When I die... I spam these over & over... then I Laff

-I've played UT sinze bef0re computers even existed... I think then it waz called WWII or somethin.
Thank U for readnig about me & i Hope I make it in. Also... I hear U guys have girls in this clan? If this so, I wood like 2 meet them. My mom says I am handsome & I don;t smell like onions.