sorry about tonightq

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sorry about tonightq

Postby Soulja » Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:31 am

i was on the server and you know...i am a little tipsy...if you get anyu complaints...IT AINT MY FUALLKT>>>
"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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Postby Soulja » Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:55 pm

"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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