Happy Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving

Postby Porkinator » Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:44 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to all our clan memebers and all our friends.
Eat turkeys not pigs !!
"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands
around reloading".--Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Postby law.of.averages » Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:13 pm

I was going to say that. Well except the pig part. Ham rocks!

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Postby Rom » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:39 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you americain firends,it's been a while but i'm still alive.Lately i've been having a lot of health problem,and it's why you dont see me around anymore.My live is empty without playing with all of you,but i cant play anymore fast game like ut.My arms and my neck hurt me too much to make computer like i was doing before.

All the health i have left is to try to continue to win my live,but more it goes and more it is hard to get out the bed each morning and go to the job.When my days is done a felt in my el ran and i cant image to do nothing else ,just trying to recover and get some power for the next day off work.

What ever just pass to say an hello to all of tou my good friends,take care and i will try to pass one night and log on the server,i wont play but at least i will try to disturb Sid the best i can :)

With all my love

The Deadly Frenchies

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