Want to know Prozac a little better? Buckle Up!

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Want to know Prozac a little better? Buckle Up!

Postby Prozac » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:21 pm

Hey everybody at the Ti forums. Here I go with a lot of self-disclosure! I know that it’s probably unnecessary, but I like self-disclosure, it makes me feel like I‘ve brought everything to the table and that people can get know me better. I’m an open book for all to read. LOL :D

Well a bit about my past: I graduated with honors from the University of West Florida in 1991. Got a BS Degree in Marketing. Married to my first wife for 13 years, we had 3 children – Kara, Emily, and Danielle, but she ditched me in 96 after I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder – (not to worry – my Bipolar is totally and very well control by medications). I never saw either coming – my wife bailing on me, or the Bipolar – and I wouldn’t wish either of them on my worst enemy – Well maybe NyteFyre…lol jk. :twisted:

Right after I was through with my 1st wife, I jumped from the frying pan right the fuck into the fire by marrying rebound wife number 2. She was and still is crazy as hell – but we produced 2 children, Jordan (my first boy) and Ellie the last girl. Unfortunately, Jordan and Ellie both have autism. Not the typical kind – they look normal – but they are plagued by many odd behaviors and such. I love them both dearly though. Well, I was with wife #2 for 10 years and in year 9 we decided to move to Holland to see if we would have a better life there – NOT!!! After a year she turned on my like the bitch she is, and asked me to leave Holland separating me from Jordan and Ellie basically for life. I talk to them often and send them gifts and such, just so they will know they have a father that loves them. But that’s about all I can do from here in the states. (One nice thing that happened in Holland: I got to frag with fnatic-Lauke quite often! – he’s Dutch – that was fun and sweet) :mrgreen:

So I moved back to the states and rented a room from my nephew – which is where I frag from now. I just started my life over. Though I was placed on disability since 1997, I’ve always stayed real active with friends and family (which I actually consider Ti to be like a second family) – luv u guys. And I have to give a lot of credit to Porkinator as he saw me go though all this stuff, and was always encouraging along the way – he’s been a true friend to me since back in 2005 – that’s why I hate to smoke him with my flak cannon so much….lol. 8)

I’ve been a writer since way back to my college days, and had been working on a novel since back in 2002 called “The Gospel According To Fear”, but I abandoned it after 20,000 words (about a fourth of an average novel) because the topic was becoming to painful to write about – hitting to close to home. However, I’m pumped as hell about the current novel I’m writing called “Carpenter’s Creek” a thriller that I should have ready for publication sometime in 2009. I hope it goes big – it’s a great story – and I’d love to get a hefty paycheck from it and get off this disability crap.
:idea: :!:
For all the crap I’ve been through, I can only say that God has watched over me, and I’m still standing and moving forward to awesome new stuff. My future’s so bright that I’ve got to where shades!!! 8)

Well there you have some of it – so now I don’t have to say it in Team Speak or Vent, not that I mind talking about it to everyone – as you can see – I’m totally open about my life. I’m every excited about the future and the present and hopefully joining Ti one day. I hope I didn’t scare anyone or that this will reflect negatively on my joining Ti. Just wanted to give you a chance to get to know me better! :|

That’s all for now. Write me and tell what’s on your mind, and if you’d like to read chapter one of my book, let me know and I’ll send it to you – this is only if you love to read….haha

Warm regards, Prozac :)

PS: I will have a decent analog headset in just few days so I can be on Vent and TS – pewter finally pm’d me the TS account stuff)

PSS: A couple of shouts out!

Thanks to Porkinator for teaching me to respect rockets!
Thanks to NyteFyre for teaching me how to always shoot my enemy in the back!
Thanks to Sideous for teaching me to start playing the game like a pussy!
Thanks to Duffy for showing me that he’s better than me at flak!
Thanks to Cloud and Sug for headshotting me with their excellent LG work!
Thanks to Ernie for teaching me not to stand still while he’s using his hitscan!
Thanks to Tiggz for just coming online and letting me hear her ultra sexy voice!
And finally thanks to all the other great players – I can’t possibly remember them all but here’s a few:
DiamondD, Pyite, Wastedshot, Relic, Hellblazer, Nonstop, Myxx, Trinity, etc. forgive me if I didn’t mention you, I’m sure I’ll pay for it online. Lol :salmon:

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Re: Want to know Prozac a little better? Buckle Up!

Postby Rom » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:27 pm

you bet :)
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Re: Want to know Prozac a little better? Buckle Up!

Postby Porkinator » Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:43 pm

Nice posr Pro. Thanks for the compliment .
I have admired the way you have handled your diversites and keep plugging along.
A lot of people would have given up going through what you have een through
and just crawled into a bottle and/or drug use.
You will always have friends here and despite what I sometimes call them on TS
they are great people and if you keep trying we will
keep on helping you anyway we can.
Just don't take driving lessons from Sid or let Nyte flash your bios
or let Duffy start you furnace for you and you will be fine.
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Re: Want to know Prozac a little better? Buckle Up!

Postby Duffy » Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:47 pm

Porkinator wrote:or let Duffy start you furnace for you and you will be fine.

I did not start my furnace moron!!!!!
As he stated we all act generally like a bunch of kids but we have fun kill or die.Your game play has gotten so much better and hopefully we wont scare you off on TS
Artificial intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity !

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Re: Want to know Prozac a little better? Buckle Up!

Postby Nytefyre » Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:26 pm

thanx for the gr8 info on urself pro...its nyce to kno the person behind the flak kannon...

thanx for the kompliment 2...ur always welcome here, and as poark said, we are a good lil community here, and we all enjoy one another and are here more for the people then the game...many of us here have had some contact in one way or another outside the game as well

dont get me wrong, just like any family, we have squabbles, but in the end we all move on and are as adult as required, but with the mentality of 3-5 year olds...LOL

and i need to mirror poarks comment...props to you for kontinuing to be a stand up guy and moving on and not letting lifes circumstances pwn u...way to be a loving father, and way to konsentrate on what matters, you life, God and fun!

hope to c u in game soon! have a good 1!! keep trying, the improvment your showing is undeniable!!

10% Luck, 20% Skill, 15% Consentrated Power of Will,
5% Pleasure, 50% Pain, and 100% Reason to Remember The Name

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