need some help

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need some help

Postby Houdini » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:58 pm

When I built my comp I told a buddy of mine he could have my old comp but he would have to get a copy of windows and a hardrive. So now he finally got a hard drive and I have a "copy" of windows that I have used on 3 other peoples reinstalls. For some reason this time it’s not working and I am stuck. The old comp is a dell 8200 p4 2.8 GHz. The hard drive my buddy bought is an E-IDE and I told him I have no idea what that is but I wanted him to get an IDE. I guess it’s a faster interface of some sort I don’t know I have SATA. Also the drive I pulled out had a jumper config for cable select so I figured maybe that would work with the new one but it didn’t. I also tried master and nothing both had the same result. When I put the disk in it loads and finds the drive with the right capacity then I can format. At that point when I point and say install windows there is loads some temp folders up and says windows is restarting then it does the same thing again. HELP!!!!!!

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Re: need some help

Postby law.of.averages » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:32 pm

If the drive is an older western digital (hell it might be true for new ones as well) it's just different.

Older WD drives not only had master and slave...they also had 'single' have a look and see if yours needs that.

Also if the drive is very large and the motherboard very old, you may have to install that On-Track software to utilize the whole drive. Otherwise you'll be limited to whatever maximum your bios currently tollerates.

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