88xx Fix for Black Screenshot

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88xx Fix for Black Screenshot

Postby Ace » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:55 am

It hasn't come up much, but I noticed that my screenshots were all black pictures. I figured UT was screwing up again, until I found a post dealing with my same issue. Apparently this is a "feature" of the nVidia 8800 series cards. I know a couple of you have them, so chances are, you have the same issue.

This is what you need:

I have no idea WTF this does, but it does solve the problem.

Install, Run.
Go to "Add..." and find the UT2004.exe under your systems folder. Point it to your game .exe
Then go to the middle tab, and click "Negative LOD Bias."

Exit out and problem solved. I don't get how or why nhancer doesn't need to be loaded and actively running to set that in UT, but it doesn't. Who cares when it solves the issue?

I also ready somebody turned off antialiasing without running that program to fix the issue...but when I tried that it didn't solve the problem.

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Postby Rom » Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:52 pm

I never do screen shoot so i dont know if i have the problem,but you have an 8800 like me do you have itch (mean choppy) in map like goose,pipenight, and few others :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

If not what is your secret :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
The Deadly Frenchies

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Postby Ace » Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:10 pm

Don't have an answer for that. The only map I've ever had a problem with is Pipe and it was a one time thing. There seems to be 10 different versions of that map floating around and I can't even be sure if it was on Ti's Server. Since it seems to be played every third map, I play it often enough that I'd notice. But at the same time I say that, unless it's really bad, I wouldn't pay attention to it.

This is a complete guess, but why not try clearing your cache then also delete Goose from your maps folder (if it's there) for example? Join the server and let it download it and see if you still have problems.

I know Pork swears his problem went away with Vista, but the only issues I've had was when I bumped my max fps to something crazy. I DO NOT recommend doing that.

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Postby Rom » Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:16 pm

OK thanks bud i will give it a try
The Deadly Frenchies

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