Apple iPhone

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Postby Ace » Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:22 am

It's not like Apple invented the mp3 compression algorithm, hence making the mp3 player market. iPods weren't the first mp3 players, I had a 20 GB one before Apple even released their 4 GB one (LOL, for less money and had way more features). iPayforTunes wasn't anything new either. They sure as hell didn't invent a phone that also plays music and whatever device Soulja is talking about...I've been doing that for years now with a modded Xbox.

Apple doesn't innovate, they take what's out there and basically just add some improvements which are almost always only improving the looks, then they charge 4 times the price of devices that do the same thing.

Sounds like I'm bitter, but I'm really just annoyed that people fall for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm envious how marketing makes it possible to resell an already invented product. How they are able to pull that off is flat out amazing to me, but probably explains why I'm not a business major. They will NEVER innovate anything and the company is nothing more then haxs. For every product they come out with, it's a year late, over priced (those are facts) and the original is better (this is my opinion, but has held true so far for me).

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Postby law.of.averages » Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:49 am

Ace wrote:It's not like Apple invented the mp3 compression algorithm, hence making the mp3 player market. iPods weren't the first mp3 players, I had a 20 GB one before Apple even released their 4 GB one (LOL, for less money and had way more features). iPayforTunes wasn't anything new either. They sure as hell didn't invent a phone that also plays music and whatever device Soulja is talking about...I've been doing that for years now with a modded Xbox.

Apple doesn't innovate, they take what's out there and basically just add some improvements which are almost always only improving the looks, then they charge 4 times the price of devices that do the same thing.

Sounds like I'm bitter, but I'm really just annoyed that people fall for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm envious how marketing makes it possible to resell an already invented product. How they are able to pull that off is flat out amazing to me, but probably explains why I'm not a business major. They will NEVER innovate anything and the company is nothing more then haxs. For every product they come out with, it's a year late, over priced (those are facts) and the original is better (this is my opinion, but has held true so far for me).

Make that two dozen!

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Postby Sideous Prime » Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:05 am

people pay for looks ace. apple is good at making things look good. their phone is flashy and functional, but it would be nice if it would work on more than one cellular provider. nice post btw.
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Postby Ace » Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:51 am

Flashy and functional is great. My major bitch with them is although they add the flashy....they completely cheat the user.

Take the iPod, it plays music. How do you get the music on the thing? You have to load their software. It's a device that does one thing and you need it tied to something else to make it function. Now take the mp3 player that I have. It plays music, but I don't need a single piece of extra software to load songs on it. The file itself doesn't even have to be a song, it could be anything, so I also have a small storage device. It's linux based (I hate linux), but it makes it completely possible to add not only other menu items and games, but in the case of my dad (he's blind remember) there's an app that talks the menus to him. The last thing that comes to mind, again because it's not a product deep in proprietary BS, it would be easy for me to stick a 60 GB drive in it to upgrade it.

That iPhone, they already say that no 3rd party apps are allowed on it. Again, it's a product that they have complete control of it.

I'd be very surprised that it will only work on Cingular, but that would be another perfect example of Apple forcing people to jump through their hoops. No way in hell I'd buy a phone for only the phone (I know cell technologies dictate phones but you can get a Razor for example with every provider). The second a company thinks they can make the best decision for the customer, that's the exact same second you are going to get screwed by them.

You buy Apple anything (besides stock), you are getting screwed.

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Postby Porkinator » Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:23 pm

Ace wrote:Flashy and functional is great. My major bitch with them is although they add the flashy....they completely cheat the user.

Take the iPod, it plays music. How do you get the music on the thing? You have to load their software. It's a device that does one thing and you need it tied to something else to make it function. Now take the mp3 player that I have. It plays music, but I don't need a single piece of extra software to load songs on it. The file itself doesn't even have to be a song, it could be anything, so I also have a small storage device. It's linux based (I hate linux), but it makes it completely possible to add not only other menu items and games, but in the case of my dad (he's blind remember) there's an app that talks the menus to him. The last thing that comes to mind, again because it's not a product deep in proprietary BS, it would be easy for me to stick a 60 GB drive in it to upgrade it.

That iPhone, they already say that no 3rd party apps are allowed on it. Again, it's a product that they have complete control of it.

I'd be very surprised that it will only work on Cingular, but that would be another perfect example of Apple forcing people to jump through their hoops. No way in hell I'd buy a phone for only the phone (I know cell technologies dictate phones but you can get a Razor for example with every provider). The second a company thinks they can make the best decision for the customer, that's the exact same second you are going to get screwed by them.

You buy Apple anything (besides stock), you are getting screwed.

Wow Ace what do you really feel about Apple ?
I always said there were no virgins that owned Apple Products
cause they were f*&ked when they bought one.
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Postby Soulja » Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:37 pm

"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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Postby law.of.averages » Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:02 pm

That's it, I want FIVE HUNDRED... and I need them shipped overnight!

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3rd floor Mental Ward
1350 South Hickory Street
Melbourne, Florida 32901

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