I like long walks on the beach...someone who can appreciate me for who I am...

oops wrong forum.

I would really like to join Ti clan.

As you maybe aware...c2c is now officially defunct. I was pretty determined to hang in as long as I could but the ship hit the bottom yesterday. I wasn't a captain not even a cabin boy, but I felt compelled to hang in there for the few remaining members that were left. c2c was the only clan I've ever been in. I liked it because the clan wasn't based on how good of a player you were but your character. I liked that aspect...especially because I'm not that good.

I would like to join Ti because I think you have very similar beliefs. Even in the heyday of c2c I found myself playing day in and day out at your server. I'm not much or an irc guy but everytime I pop into your server there's always a friendly face there to greet me. As c2c declined and Rom joined Ti I was tempted to try to join back then. In my heart there was few people there I was very close to but I wanted to stick it out for a handful of reasons. I probably should have tried to switch back then since the people I looked forward to playing with had "Ti" in front of their names. I've been on this site for a while now and you guys do this clan thing the way it should be. It seems all my buds from the game have ended up here, so I'd like to tie up my horse here too if you'll have me.
I think I meet the requirements as far as age, no lizards in my ancestory, etc.

I'm looking forward to 2007 amd what it brings. I want to be a member of this clan when it ships.