Ace wrote:Sloth wrote:i don't recall anyone saying soccer is more of a sport...
Here is what I was responding to:Soulja wrote:While soccer isn't the fastest moving game (compared to sports like basketball), it still maintains a solid pace (unlike american football, fucking pussies need a breath every 15 seconds :p.) Now if you tell me you like football...I will lawl in your face! :pSloth wrote:i actually played T-ball when i was 5.. along with soccer
You just explained my whole whole arguement with one statement. The magic word is T-ball at 5. In order to play baseball, the game has to scaled down to get a 5 year old capable of playing, hence baseball becomes T-ball. Soccer is soccer at every level.
I'm not going to break down the other things that were said, because frankly, I can't believe I've waisted so much time discussing this because really who gives a shit, I don't. If you like soccer, great, no disrespect meant. I do get irritated by people saying, the whole world likes this, you should too. Fuck that! Think for yourself. I'm not here to change minds, I just question those billion people as to what they are watching because there are better sports....which of course is just my opinion.
Ace, since when did we say that you have to like it? I merely post this and you go off saying that it's a pussy sport that only involves running back and forth. So that makes football what..? Running back and forth only having a gay orgy inbetween the switches. Every sport (except for chess and golf, because those don't actually involve "movement") is in it's own regard no less of a sport that the other. People in Sweden and Norway, despite being the country that actually "Lives the best" (has the highest average wages, healthcare, etc.) still likes soccer, and manage to send a team to the World Cup.
My point is, stop saying that something is worse than another thing just because you weren't raised on it. I grew up with soccer around me just as much as I grew up around football, baseball and so on. I've played all at some point, and I can say with a fairly clean conscience, that soccer is the one I'd pick any day. Baseball? Americans call hitting a rag ball a national pastime? I'd chose running over hitting a baseball in front of a bunch of obese rednecks any day, thanks.