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Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:28 pm
by Sideous Prime

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:54 am
by Porkinator
I don't know . It sounds scary to me.
Companies that Micrososft take over seem to vanish.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:03 pm
by Houdini
Means you should buy a 360 sid. :twisted:

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:31 pm
by Sideous Prime
The only console worth my money is the Wii. who gives two sh*** if the graphics aren't spectacular or the console doesn't support a HD aspect ratio. nothing else comes close to matching the quality of gameplay.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:18 pm
by Duffy
Well I Guess Microshaft wants to make up for losing the HD war to Blu-Ray :salmon:

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:28 am
by Houdini
Duffy wrote:Well I Guess Microshaft wants to make up for losing the HD war to Blu-Ray :salmon:

I am not going to start defending the evil Microsoft like Pork defends UT3 but that is not quite right Duffy. HD DVD did get scrapped but that was Toshiba's deal. The only reason the Xbox went with that is because Blu Ray is made by SONY who makes the Playstation and was not going to allow a competitor to have their main selling point. So they really had no choice if they wanted to include that option but to go with Toshiba's technology. They had that in the paper this week that it was officially over but really last month when Warner Brothers who is the biggest fish in the home entertainment pond said they would only be distributing Blu Ray and not HD DVD was really the death nail.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:57 am
by myxxplyxx
I would argue the best console Sid. We got a Wii for the kids and a PS3 for me for Christmas. The Wii is fun as hell to play. Unfortunately there aren't alot of good games out for it. The interface and controller are sweet...if it had next gen titles on would be unstoppable. We play the PS3 more right now although the sports disk that came with the Wii is still a hoot.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:29 am
by Sideous Prime
myxxplyxx wrote:the sports disk that came with the Wii is still a hoot.

I concur about the wii not having the best games. no question about that. for the hardcore gamer the weakness in game titles means that the ps3 will be the console of choice.

However, after playing wii sports, and mario olympics with friends and family it was the most fun I ever had playing a console. That says a lot bein's I nearly flunked out of college because of Goldeneye on N64. IMO, at the moment, the wii's playability is unmatched.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:12 pm
by Houdini
Sideous Prime wrote:for the hardcore gamer the weakness in game titles means that the ps3 will be the console of choice.

Are you just saying between the PS3 and the wii? If you’re throwing the Xbox in that mix I know a few people with both and they think Xbox live is better online then the PS3. The one thing I think Microsoft is definitely on the right track with is the whole Xbox live with the online marketplace. There is a lot of potential there.

The perfect situation for me would be to have all three for slightly different use. I would play the Xbox for COD 4 online, the PS3 to watch Blu Ray movies and play the Playstation exclusive games, and the Wii for parties and when I have 4 or more friends over I think that is where the Wii pwns the other systems.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:17 pm
by Duffy
Hey Houdi another reason Microshaft backed off HD was the unholy Wal-Mart was going to carry Blu-Ray only this along with Toshiba was major concern for them they knew there market shrank considerably by Wal-Marts announcement.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:29 pm
by Houdini
Maybe I am confused about the whole thing but I was not aware of the level Microsoft played with HD DVD. I thought it was a Toshiba vs. SONY thing that microsoft got into just because they are competing with SONY. Blu Ray kicked HD DVD's ass at getting exclusive rights in the right places. Take Blockbuster for instance where they have an albeit limited selection of Blu Ray but no HD DVD's. I really don't think this will have a huge effect on Xbox sales like the opposite would on the PS3 if Blu Ray lost out. The xbox has an HD DVD player as a seperate attachment and I don't own one. The PS3 has a built in Blu Ray player and they marketed that fact to people interested in buying a new console and a Blu Ray player almost like your getting a PS3 as a bonus, an after thought. People are buying the Xbox for their game selection which is why I bought one.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:40 pm
by Houdini
Sideous Prime wrote:I nearly flunked out of college because of Goldeneye on N64.

That game was the shit man! Holy crap that brought back some memories. That board with the dam that you fight your way though the gates, behind moving trucks, and down the top of the dam to the spot he base jumps off. Man that really was the first FPS that I got into. Before that I was all about the Mortal Kombat type games.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:43 pm
by Sideous Prime
Houdini wrote:The perfect situation for me would be to have all three for slightly different use. I would play the Xbox for COD 4 online, the PS3 to watch Blu Ray movies and play the Playstation exclusive games, and the Wii for parties and when I have 4 or more friends over I think that is where the Wii pwns the other systems.

you hit the nail on the head houdi. IF you're one of those people or families that has multiple gaming consoles, which many people do. I will say there are people who can't afford multiple gaming consoles and then there are people like me. Those people who know damn well if they get too many games, too many consoles their life will be over. It's a personal problem but Starfox, Mario Kart, and especially GoldenEye, showed me what happens when a game(s) takes over your life.

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:53 pm
by Houdini
Oooo Sid I would smoke your ass at Mario Kart 64 in battle mode. Viva Yoshi!!!!!

Re: Truth? If so what does this mean?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:35 pm
by Duffy
Yeah I dont think people realized the investment that microsoft had in HD but they had a huge one. I actually have a 80GB PS3, Xbox360, and a kids mostly play the Wii because well they are young....I like both the 360 and PS3 but actually play my pc more than either of the 2, the PS3 was bought because i couldnt see paying 700 for just a BluRay Player. So how many people remember the Beta VHS Wars???? Kinda the same think just two major players in the battle. Kinda sux for all those people that bought Toshiba Laptops in the last 6 months with HD though!!