Apple kills Think Secret

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Apple kills Think Secret

Postby Porkinator » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:41 pm
Freedom of the Press not Apple flavoured

By Nick Farrell: Thursday, 20 December 2007, 4:52 PM

APPLE has succeeded in killing off the news bog Think Secret by terrifying the owner with an expensive court case.

The famously secretive fruit-themed outfit has a tremendous difficulty with Think Secret which had a nasty habit of running stories that Apple did not want published.

In fact, Apple was so terrified of Think Secret that it spent a small fortune on lawyers to try and force the magazine to reveal its sources.

Jobs' Mob realised that a one-man-band like Think Secret could not swim in the sea of writs that the company hand planned.

The magazine copped a deal with the Cappuccino outfit in which it managed to keep its sources secret but would shut down.

Nick Ciarelli who ran the outfit, said that he is happy to be out of it and is able to concentrate on his college studies.

Being a student, Ciarelli could probably not have afforded to get the case to court. Since it has been successful, Apple might try to shut down other blogs who publish accurate things that it does not want talked about.

This is a pity, because such blogs exist because Apple does not tell anyone anything and the Mac press is happy to print what ever Steve Jobs tells it. µ
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Re: Apple kills Think Secret

Postby Houdini » Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:24 am

They will find the leak even if this college kid wont tell and then that guy is so fired.

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