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Nyte gets OwNeD in real lyfe....

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:00 pm
by Nytefyre
well, it would seem that our township has decided to expand the road next to my house....the lame thing is, they are using the imminent domain thing to swipe like 1/2 my yard....granted, i dont like to mow, but i do like having a yard....

the good thing is that they are going to pay me $4500 (maybe, it may not happen, since that have the ryte to take the land anyways)
and lame thing is that it makes the road very close to my house, and the road traffic noise makes it hard to sleep ALREADY, and now they want to make a nyce lil grade there so the drunks can drive str8 into my frikkin bedroom....there was a deep ditch there b4, so that wasnt an issue, esp since the road was like another 5-10 feet back away from my this high traffic road will probably be and may very literally be the death of me.....

stupid ppl wanting their bigger roads....


Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:40 pm
by ClownMajik
Yeah and that $4500 ain't free money. They'll tax the shit out of it. Whatever is left will be spent on laying new grass on your soon to be dirt garden.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:55 pm
by law.of.averages
plant some old bones and arrow heads around the yard... then when they start digging, grab one and rush to the papers about the 'ancient indian burial ground' and how they're distrubing the spirits and will be cursed for billions of yars

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:10 pm
by Naix
Yep, eminent domain can suck.

Re: Nyte gets OwNeD in real lyfe....

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:36 pm
by nonstop
Nytefyre wrote:well, it would seem that our township has decided to expand the road next to my house....the lame thing is, they are using the imminent domain thing to swipe like 1/2 my yard....granted, i dont like to mow, but i do like having a yard....

the good thing is that they are going to pay me $4500 (maybe, it may not happen, since that have the ryte to take the land anyways)
and lame thing is that it makes the road very close to my house, and the road traffic noise makes it hard to sleep ALREADY, and now they want to make a nyce lil grade there so the drunks can drive str8 into my frikkin bedroom....there was a deep ditch there b4, so that wasnt an issue, esp since the road was like another 5-10 feet back away from my this high traffic road will probably be and may very literally be the death of me.....

stupid ppl wanting their bigger roads....


Sorry dude...

That suxors.