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Vista hates you

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:57 pm
by Porkinator
Vista hates you
It's the only conclusion we can really come to... This is personal. Vista just plain hates you. Even the "free upgrade" process is painful, as so many have said:

"The express upgrade process is unnecessarily difficult. My experience: I bought all my parts for a new system from a local chain. I paid $150.00 for XP Business OEM including FREE express upgrade to vista professional.

Return to the store for a "coupon"; 40 min round trip
30+ min in said store while they figure out how to provide the coupon (upgrade redemption form); actually a photo copy with reference numbers.
Complete the online process which as you stated is very involved.
it then prompted me for a payment method; so much for free.
provide my credit card and select regular not express shipping.
it then authorized my card for $31.51CDN. Wow, Microsoft pays a lot for shipping.
Now the page switches to the steps that must be completed to have my copy shipped.
Toward the bottom it states the specific instructions if you have an upgrade redemption form. This involves mailing the form and your receipt, no fax or e-mail option to the address on the form.
The form has no address!
Call the 1-800 number. Automated message states that it closed at 5:00 pm mountain time. Nice hours leading up to Vista's launch. I called the next day and got the address and have mailed the required info.
Now I wait 4-6 weeks.
Hopefully if I ever receive my "free" upgrade I don't have your install problems. I have never been a Microsoft basher but this whole process is a mine field designed to cheat you out of your upgrade. Never have I provided my credit card to a company, have it authorized and then have me jump through more hoops before they will ship the product."

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:24 pm
by Sideous Prime
omg dude if you don't like vista don't upgrade.