Fatality gets wasted by Lauke @ fatality challenge

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Fatality gets wasted by Lauke @ fatality challenge

Postby nonstop » Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:37 am

This guy plays you for 4 min, 1on1, and tells you you can't change your keyboard configuration. He's never been beat but now he's been beat 2x in 1 day. Once by a random kid who got a kill and hid the rest of the game and once by lauke 11-1. :o

The guy is decent but nothing at all compared to many good ut players. Heck I bet clown would take him! 8)


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Postby Rall_Ricker » Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:33 pm

i no clowns good but hed get killed by fatality. i wouldnt fair any better but fatality is really good.
dont let the tiggrrrr get u...or nyte the nipple pincher either

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