Nytefyre wrote:pewterdragn wrote:I actually think the movement is horrible.
agreed...the walking/running seems to be faster at tymes...like when u move forward, u accelerate fast...ANY AND ALL DODGING in absolutely LAME...
i kno im on an older system, and im sure thats y, but i personally think the graphics were not all that impressive either...except for the bio...thats kool!!
i 2 am unimpressed...older komp, yes...not running it on direct-X 10, i kno...but it seems that they dumbed down the gameplay 2 much...and i definetly get the feel that it was originally intended for the konsoles, and that the PC people were added as an afterthought....deadly said it best on TS i think...i believe his exact words were 'its a different game at this point, not the UT we are used to'...
true...it is a demo...BUT, there needs to be some serious updates and changes made IMO...
UT2K4 > UT3
I have an 8800gts o/c on a quad core nyte and I'm telling you, the graphics aren't that impressive. Both tdm maps have kind of a smokey, hazy thing going on when you look more than 40 yards or so away from your charcter. I don't get it. It's like they took screenshots and brushed them up with extra color and contrast to show us everything we have seen so far. Interesting that up till now no game site was allowed to publish screenshots unless they were the "approved" ones that Epic sent to them. Gamespot did a recent play test of the game and they said that they were not allowed to put any new screens up except the same ones they have been given over the last year. Things that make you go hmmm....
I don't know why but the game, even on single player doesn't feel smooth yet for me. It almost feels laggy in single player and I have some things turned down graphicly (sp).
I also like the big walker in that dm map. At first I was like wtf are they doing but then I got to hop on one and in tdm mode it really is fun to see the other team scramble while this thing walks around and shreds with that super lazer. The sound effect is an exact ripoff of the war of the worlds tripod and so is the lazer cannon to some degree. Different but it's actually kind of fun.
I agree also that the first beta demo of ut04 needed quite a bit of work but I don't remember the movement being that aweful. I do remember the game browser was just aweful and the one that came out in the final game was much better.
On headshots, yes they are easier and there is a post in the ut forums with someone showing they are aiming a good 6" over someones head and getting headshots so the hit boxes for hs is a little oversized atm. Let me guess... to compensate for controllers. meh
I'll keep an open mind and hope for the best as I have really got tired of ut04 over the last few months and am ready for something new. For those of you who haven't tried it though if you want some fun times try out TF2 as it's over the top fun as well as something different to play around with.