Mr.Hyde wrote:Naix wrote:Some games on fract i pwn with the ass. rifle only, then my team bitches because they didnt win

That sort of thing happens to me a lot with my shield.
I'll get the highest score on my team (or close to it).
Then everyone will be like "why don't you use a gun n00b"
It is a gun.... shield GUN.
Happens to me all the time in purg and TI.
Funny though.
It was funny though, because the next map a guy named noob said "oh damn, i got naix on my team." I must admit, i gave in and stooped to his level, casting my "fun" aside and timed the shield, pulling top scorer at the end, with him in 3rd or 4th place. Not with the assualt rifle, i played seriously. In the end after our team won, i asked him, "that better noob? does it feel good to win?"
His reply, "not really"
I swear, some people take this game way to seriously and all fun is lost for them.
The day i stop having fun with this game (even when non is pwning me) i'll uninstall and punch president bush (and maybe a midget)

World War III will be fought using atomic weapons, the war after that will be fought using sticks and stones.