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Trin Licks Beaver!

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:05 am
by Ace
I have proof:


Trin and I visited Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids yesterday. More pics if you are interested in taking a look Warning: Pics are very girly....and not girly like my Mardi Gras stuff!

We also went to one of our favorite restaurants, a Japanese Steakhouse.

Video of Fire HERE

Video proof that Trin has a big mouth HERE

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:46 am
by nonstop
omg ace, those pics are beautiful. Your quite the photographer. Now did you adjust iso/white balance/exposure at all or were those point and shoot pics? I'm trying to fool with those options on my little sd camera and pretty new to all of it.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:15 pm
by BeerNut
You should be in advertising Ace...

Your ability to title a thread practically guarantees that it will be read.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:15 pm
by Trinity
Only problem with doing all that cool stuff on a Sunday is it makes the day go by too quickly :)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:08 pm
by ClownMajik
That is the baldest and smoothest beaver I have ever seen!

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:05 pm
by Ace
I love photography, I dabble with it as a hobby, but I've all but given up on the fact I'm any good at it. My solution to the fact that I'm not very good at it comes down to two things: 1) Location - go someplace interesting with good scenery where it's almost impossible to take a bad shot and 2) buy the best equipment I can to error correct out of my mistakes. Those are my secrets to mask how bad I am.

Oh...and coming up with interesting titles to get people to check it out :P

That very first shot of the greenhouse (actually it was my last shot), I'm mad because it is really overexposed which is me forgetting to change to a lower ISO because I moved outside. I do retarded stuff like that consistantly and it's because I only think about that kind of stuff looking at the final image, not when I need to, setting up for the shot. On a couple of the flowers, I did switch make the depth of field the priority, but for the most part I let the camera do all the work.

Photography is art and being completely left brained, it's next to impossible for me. I do try to learn/do new things, but I'm slow at it.