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Woman Killed Husband for Boob Job

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:57 am
by law.of.averages

article wrote:Authorities said Cynthia Sommer killed her husband to get money for breast enhancements and a more luxurious lifestyle.

Before arsenic was found in her husband's body, she was left a $250,000 lump-sum payment...

Having read this article, and out of concern for my personal safety, I sent the link, and a quick note to Mrs. Law to let her know--should she be so inclined--that there is no need to resort to arsenic. :P

Having sent that message, I see the following sidebar in Gmail. :shock:


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:23 pm
by Avaris

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:02 pm
by Naix

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:19 pm
by law.of.averages
so I wonder....did she use the high-purity or the low cost?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:34 pm
by pewterdragn
GMail rox

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:53 pm
by 1/2LuNaTiC
Wonders why law always finds boobs.. :shock:

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:53 pm
by ClownMajik
You know... just the feeling that gmail gives me says that the ppl who run it only use macs. I dont know why I thought of this. Also anything that usualy has a capitol G in its first letter, but doesnt help form a full word is sexy. Example..G-String G-S.....

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:21 am
by Yrrek
Psh, I use Gmail and I run winblowz/linnucks.

Taking the cheap way out!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:01 am
by law.of.averages
1/2LuNaTiC wrote:Wonders why law always finds boobs.. :shock:

Just trying to make some titilating conversation, that's all.. 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:43 pm
by ClownMajik
1/2LuNaTiC wrote:Wonders why law always finds boobs.. :shock:

Just look at Law's avatar. He sells boob implants on the black market at 50% cost.