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Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:38 pm
by Wastedshot
Hello all i just want to state some opinions i have regarding my brother be accused of hax, hackn, or to be blunt lying and cheating. Ok from the videos i watched u accused him of hackn in, well i believe that u could make a video of sug,nyte,cloud,mon,wasted,sid,duffy,lima,and even of anyone haven a good map or good nite of playn and show all the good stuff. only and dont point out the bad shots or the edited out rest of map cept for a 2 min coupple lucky shots playn Defense more and yea just gettn better. I think one of the real reasons u have given him no chance to defend himself is yea maybe i think sug hit it right on the button about him tryn to hard and yea maybe he does. He also isnt funny like sug or sexy voiced as tigg, and yea hes not a dick either like somone (cough) Nyte. He dont talk much hes shy he isnt a very social person he has i like to call bad UT gamen etticate or fu all i know your laughn at my spelln. Ok anyways his stupid fuckn taste the rainbow is so fuckn gay i hate that or the i win u lose go cry stupid fuckn hotkeys i hate those bad gamn talk and shit right. BUT NONE OF THIS IS ANYREASON TO CALL HIM A HAX OR A CHEAT IN REAL LIFE MY BROTHER THAT I SIT IN THE SAME ROOM AND PLAY THIS GAME AGAINST IS TRULY GOOD PERSON THAT WOULD NEVER CHEAT AND I CAN SAY WITH 100% CONFIDENCE ON MY MOTHER TAKING ANOTEHR BREATH HE IS NOT AND NEVER HAS CHEATED AT THIS GAME.
P.S. DO U GUYS THINK I WOULD SET HERE AND LET HIM CHEAT AND BEAT UP ON ME I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO KICK HIS ASS. just please consider some things ive said and i dont know what else we can do but it is tottaly unfair and im very dissapointed and kinda hurt with some of u about this man were just a couple hard workn honest competitive people that are good at games. But just because skits is not the most liked person on the game doesnt mean he should be accused of this. I would appreciate it if u guys would try to reevualte the situation because its 100% WRONG . TY Wasted.

Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:03 pm
by Cloud
I'm glad you posted on here Wasted. Not everyone thinks Skits was hacking. There's at least one TI member I've talked to who doesn't believe the evidence was conclusive, and a few outside the clan as well.
Personally I don't believe he was either.
Course I have to be careful saying that around here.

You're a great guy Wasted, I've known you in UT2K4 since February 05. I hope you'll continue playing with us no matter what man. Just cause there's some folks in the clan you might not like, doesn't mean you can't still jump in and play some TAM bro.


Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:10 am
by Sideous Prime

whether you know it or not this deal is about to come to a close. that doesn't mean that everything will change tomorrow or the next day, but at least internally it will be ending soon. there were a few things said on teamspeak the other night that struck a chord with me, and with that in mind there are a few things i want you to know.

one is that any time an action like this is taken on another player it is always objective and over a period of time. if it was anything less, the list of regulars, over the years, would have been smaller.

two...teamspeak doesn't matter. yeah we encourage everyone to be on ts but it isn't a requirement, nor should it be. if a player doesn't want to be on ts or they're not comfortable then they shouldn't have to use it. it would be absolutely proposterous for ts to weigh in a decision like this. it simply has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

three...when i joined this clan, waaaay back when all there was was a single TDM server, there was a rule that you couldn't kick someone just for being an asshole. there has to be merit behind the decision. i'm not saying skittles is an asshole, what i am saying is that no server admin will kick a player just because that admin thinks they're a dick or doesn't like them.

i am the one ultimately responsible for banning skittles. i was the one who logged into the webadmin and pulled the trigger and yes, i would do it again. my job, like a couple others is to keep the integrity of the game. nobody was surprised when you spoke up in support of your brother. frankly, it was expected. to be honest, it just might be what saved him from never playing here again.


Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:31 pm
by Nytefyre
and double 'meh' for me...

the matter is still in review, and although im not a leader with a title like sid (just kuz i wouldnt give in to what PD wanted me to do **shudder**), i was the one responsible for getting sid in the group anyways...aside from that fun fact, to echo sid's comment, and even my post from before, we take running this server very serious, and COMPLETELY separate ones feelings about a person with decision based on if their play is legit...i have my own opinions on both matters, and to be honest, when it somes to the people who show up to play, i dont dislike any of them...there are some that grate my nerves worse then others (pro/sid/poark/duffy/duffy/duffy/duffy), but if i didnt like the people and the level of competition here, i simply would not play here myself...we look at cheating and potential cheating in a very objectve point of view, do a LOT of research and demos, and weigh ALL consequences very carefully...

im glad u posted what u did wasted, as well as talk to us on TS to help clear up any parts we may have misunderstood...really, its the main reason this issue has been reopened for examination and review, and that is something that is rarely, RARELY done...and the last time we tried it, it phailed miserably, and the guy was still blatantly, we were that much more reluctant to do it again and re-review this case once more...not that i think you would, or ur brother would cause a similar situation, but we are hoping that if we decide to grant a second chance, we will not be regretting it like the time before...

Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:06 pm
by Duffy
Nytefyre wrote:and double 'meh' for me...

tthe people who show up to play, i dont dislike any of them...there are some that grate my nerves worse then others (pro/sid/poark/duffy/duffy/duffy/duffy),

UM GFY :salmon:

Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:32 pm
by Porkinator
Duffy wrote:
Nytefyre wrote:and double 'meh' for me...

tthe people who show up to play, i dont dislike any of them...there are some that grate my nerves worse then others (pro/sid/poark/duffy/duffy/duffy/duffy),

UM GFY :salmon:

GFT TWICE ...Lizard breath.

Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:42 pm
by Nytefyre
Porkinator wrote:
Duffy wrote:
Nytefyre wrote:and double 'meh' for me...

tthe people who show up to play, i dont dislike any of them...there are some that grate my nerves worse then others (pro/sid/poark/duffy/duffy/duffy/duffy),

UM GFY :salmon:

GFT TWICE ...Lizard breath.

what the hell is GFT?!

Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:01 pm
by Wastedshot
Ok i understand about zero tolerence for cheaters and hackers and that is how it should be and i didnt mean to come of as offensive and im sorry if i did i was just upset and a little hurt. I just thought maybe since we have played here forever and been really close to u guys that maybe it could have been handle a little different. We would have been really open to talkn to anyone about it me or my brother if just asked, and if there was suspicions maybe say hey skitz we got some demos we would like to talk to u about if u could explain some of your shots or what u doin here and things like that. It just seemed like nobody gave him a chance or said anything serious about banning him it just happend fast and its really bothered me and him cause we know hes not cheating so thats why i wasnt sure if it was something else. We both really love playn on this server with all are friends so it was just very upsetting. I hope u guys understand i wasnt tryn to imply anything wrong with way server is ran or anything its awesome server. And ty for reopening skitz case for review. Anything u want him to do just let him or me know.
Thank You guys.

Re: Please read this with very open mind Serious Wasted Talkn

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:13 am
by Nytefyre
no problem...if things continue to progress as they are, the only thing i think we would need skitz to do is to get on TS to talk with us, say maybe by the beginning of next week (monday perhaps)...between work and everyones personal lives and such, it is taking some time to discuss options and sort things out...but i assure you it is in the works...

that time frame is an estimate, and if we are not ready by then one of us will post any changes here...