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Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:54 am
by Houdini
So I seen this bit of gossip in the NY Post about Oscar De LA Hoya dressing like a woman and banging guys (not with his fist) ((or maybe with his fist)) Here is the link to the pics will someone look at these and post if you think they are photoshopped. I think they are cause I dont see any shadows and there is a wierd offcolored line in one on his neck. Wondering what yall think?

Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:07 pm
by law.of.averages
I think you read too much.

Who (besides oscar) really cares what he wears or who he bangs?

Medical science has virtually destroyed the circus freak industry, and you're worried about a cross dresser?

Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:25 pm
by ClownMajik
This thread fails.


Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:24 pm
by myxxplyxx
definitely photoshop...
if he was wearing a french maids outfit it would be real but this outfit isn't him. :roll: :roll:

I would say faked...if you look for seams or color changes...easily fixed in photoshop...I look at the actual head proportions...needed to be fit into the correct perspective. You can see distortion pretty easily in the one where he's sitting back...somebody needs a life.

So do I actually...but I play UT instead of this weirdness.

Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:38 pm
by Houdini
law.of.averages wrote:I think you read too much.

Who (besides oscar) really cares what he wears or who he bangs?

Medical science has virtually destroyed the circus freak industry, and you're worried about a cross dresser?

Law sorry you have been spending so much time on the West Coast I think you may need reprogramming. My contention is they are fake but I would still like to consider boxing one of the last bastions of manhood if that is ok with you.

Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:41 pm
by Houdini
So I read in the other NY tabloid that the pics were sold to that x17online website by a stripper that worked at Scores in Manhattan (nice place). She said she was rolling with Oscar and when he dressed up he called himself "Goldie".

Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:08 pm
by Houdini
looks like the lawyers have gotten to that site.

Re: Oscar De La Cross Dresser?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:54 pm
by Sideous Prime
those pics are so photoshopped it's not even funny.