Them crazy asians!

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Them crazy asians!

Postby Naix » Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:13 pm

Oh man, Im going to start double checking where i crap! :shock:

The first 2 mins are just talking, then it gets interesting.
World War III will be fought using atomic weapons, the war after that will be fought using sticks and stones.

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Postby Houdini » Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:34 pm

That is sick. You would get so arrested doing that crap here.

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Postby Naix » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:33 pm

World War III will be fought using atomic weapons, the war after that will be fought using sticks and stones.

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Postby Soulja » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:42 pm

The funny thing is, in Japanese culture, this kind of stuff is really breaking the barrier. Japanese culture is VERY VERY private. So it's pretty much rebels doing exactly opposite of whats supposed to happen.
"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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Postby Soulja » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:43 pm

And to be honest, lets not even talk about their porn...
"Son look at all the people linin' up for plastic, wouldnt you like to see them in the national geographic? Squatting bare assed in the dirt eatin' rice from a bowl, with a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose?"

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Postby Avaris » Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:58 am

Well, that depends, Soulja. In most cases, you are right. For example, you need to go to a private place to sneeze, because doing that in public is one of the worst things imaginable to them. Yet they really have to shame in buying 14-year old girls as prostitutes :?

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