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Lun Has more car trouble....and it's not my fault.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:04 pm
by 1/2LuNaTiC
First, I'll start with something nice.. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Well, I'm a senior in High School who drives a silver 95 Galant. Nothing really special. Installed a CD player for my birthday about 7 months ago. Had my windows tinted 20% about 2 months. Some other things in there, but nothing noteworthy.

My school day ends at 3:05PM and the student parking lot is located to the side (behind) the school. The side rear window was broken and used to break into my car. My dashboard has been completely ripped apart and my CD player has been stolen. A nice collection of CDs were stolen too, but I'm not worried since they were all burned and not paid for. These guys either didn't know what the hell they were doing or were in a serious rush. Somehow they managed to crack the panel around the shift and knock my car into Reverse while the car was still off. This has completely fucked my ignition since the switch in park is no longer being reached. The only way to remove my key from the ignition is to stick an object down under this panel to hit the switch.

My school is located in the middle of Baltimore City...I know crappy the chances of someone from a local neighborhood doing this is very likely.
I doubt it was anyone at my school due to the simple reason that my car has pretty much NO value in comparison some of my friends who I've already warned. What did school securtiy do? Pff...not a damn thing.We have no cameras. Officers weren't anywhere to be found when I went back into the school at about 3:15.

Damage done...

- Stolen CD Player =$100 ish..
- Broken Window + tint = $70ish...+ probably no more than 20 to redo 1 small window
- Ruined Dashboard = $no clue...Replacing the ENTIRE dash could run about $400, but it's only the area around the radia.
- Fixing Ignition = Dunno...

We were able to file 2 seperate claims to my insurance. 1 for the automobile and 1 for house insurance which covers my cd player. They will be coming to examine everything soon to see if they will pay for it all.

Until then it's back to riding to school with my Mommy :? and hopefully a friend will give me a lift home.

I'll get some pics up tomorrow. I'm pretty mad, but I'm calming down now.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:55 pm
by pewterdragn
dude that really sux. I had the same thing happen to me when i was in school. the car was never the same cause I didnt have the money to fix it all...

i hope the insurance company comes through for ya! Good Luck!

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:59 pm
by Yrrek
Sorry to hear that lun! Think of it this way, you still have the car. =/

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:47 pm
by nonstop
Sorry dude. I have had my car(s) broken into a couple times as well and it just feels aweful.

I feel sorry for whoever is on the opposite team next time you play. :shock:

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:02 pm
by Nytefyre
wow, sorry man...

that dashboard stuff aint cheap....


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:01 am
by Sôöpâ Shäwtÿ
I blame Si......naaaah.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:44 am
by Soulja
That sucks man.

At my high school when I was a junior, there was a spring of robberies on all of the high schools in my area. They hit our school twice and a few of my friends cars got broken into. Total money these guys racked up - about $120,000. Amazing. They did it all in a week. Finally got caught when they tried hitting another school twice.

Hope everything turns out for the better.

Oh and they need to start putting security cameras in parking lots. A kid was shot after a high school basketball game in the parking lot.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:51 pm
by 1/2LuNaTiC
They found a magazine that was dropped by my car on Tuesday. What was found...
Blunt shell..
About 3 dimes of marijuana
About 2 quarter bags of marijuana.

Hm...that's worth quite a bit. Now the likely value of my stolen hardware...

CD Player probably less than $40 now since they obviously had to damage it in the process of removing it.


I got robbed by some damn junkies who obviously lost more money than they gained. :roll: My window is being fixed this Saturday and I'm waiting for the piece for my ignition to arrive to fix it :D . I'm also going to call some junkyards and ask around for a replacement central console. All I need is the framing of it and a cup holder/container. I may have to replace some wires to reinstall my stock radio for now.

Not sure if the Player will be replaced by insurance, but I can go without that for a while.

I can't find my friggen USB cable for my camera :?