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Top 5 games of 05 & Ace's New Love

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:29 pm
by nonstop
Jacob's reviews from Firingsquad are usually very good and I enjoy his take on a new pc title. He's been doing reviews for a long time and is well respected. Here is his top 5 for 05 for the pc. (sorry console dudes)

also, is thresh's (Dennis Fong) original site. You know, the guy that beat John Romero from ID software in Quake to win John Carmack's ferarri? Thresh left firingsquad after founding it and started xfire. Thresh was the original fatality. (oh dear lord what have I done)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:23 am
by Ace
From the Q4 section:

The singleplayer is excellent. It doesn’t enjoy the benefits of a realistic setting like Call of Duty 2 or F.E.A.R., but Quake 4 does bring the franchise closer. The player’s character isn’t the walking tank of previous Quake games and the game offers the use of cover as much as simply running around and dodging enemy blasts. The AI, both friendly and enemy, is much better than anyone expected from a Quake title. Friendly AI is especially effective and competent – they lay down withering cover fire, are good at defending themselves and specialized friendly units can heal you or boost your armor.

The AI is much better than anyone expected from a Quake title?! Good Lord, what were the expectations, the AI level of Pong? Just reading that line, the review stinks of marketing BS. Think a more realistic title is what are the last five big games released in the gaming community.

Ace has no love for the new crap.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:00 am
by nonstop
However Ace's love of self promoting professional gamers knows no bounds.... So start licking a picture of Thresh and stop trying to review games you haven't played!