Types of Southerners

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Types of Southerners

Postby Porkinator » Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:57 pm

We are not all the same despite what some people think.

Redneck: Rednecks are often rude and crude Southerners some times prone to violence, have proclivity (but not always) for Nascar, CERTAIN TYPES of Country music, and beer drinking. Can live in trailers, but not always. They are often mistaken for white trash but there's a difference. Rednecks are usually hard working and have jobs. White trash tend to be lazy. They are most likely blue collar. Not all rednecks are racists, but many are. But its also individual thing. They're not all loud and brassy, but many can be. So ironically, the southern redneck has more in common with the typical yankee than he realizes. Although there are northern rednecks too, but thats another topic

Hillbilly's: Hillbillies are Southern mountain folk. They are not rednecks. They dont live in the swamps or the bayous or the southern lowlands. They come from the hollers or the hills. They can be a bit rough around the edges. Unlike, rednecks, however, hillbillies are usually good natured, honest, friendly, fun loving, and just all around sweet people. Tend to be very forthright and individualistic. Mainly from their Scotch-Irish heritage. They just tend to lack education. But make up for it with their charming folksy ways.

Good Ol' Boys (with the emphasis on the word "good" and not "old" as the yankees mistakenly have done) are the average white male southerner. Middle class, usually college educated, the good 'ol boy is simply an all around fun loving southern boy. Likes to tell a good joke, but tends to watch his mouth around the ladies. Likes to go fishin' and huntin' and can do all the outdoors stuff, but could hold his own in an ivy league setting as well. The good 'ol boy term is most likely from an expression someone would utter after he has helped a neighbor or done something charitable. "Well, hes a real good old boy" someone might say.

The Southern Gentleman: The Southern Gentleman models himself after the landed gentry when the 3rd sons came over from Old England and started their plantations in the southern colonies of Virginia, The Carolinas, and Georgia. The Southern Gentleman never complains, is never boastful, and never raises his hand to a woman. He is very chilvarous. Will often do things like pull out chair for ladies, hold doors open, volunteer at church, etc. Is well dressed. Is always humble. The Southern Gentlemen was the first metrosexual, if ever there was one. Robert E. Lee is the quentessential role model for this breed of Gentleman. A Southern Gentleman can become a good old boy if he rolls up his sleeves and fixes a flat tire for someone on the road.

Southern Belle: The Southern Belle is often associated with Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With The Wind. Modern day southern belles tend to do extremely well in social graces and the finer things in live. Often appear in beauty pageants and Miss Americas. Love to be the center of attention. Always smiling (but the more they smile, the more there's pure poisoin behind it!) Love to flirt and and play up their charms. Tend to go to schools like Mary Baldwin, Hollins, and Sweet Briar. They ALWAYS like to get their way. Usualy with flit of the an eye lash or a curt smile.

Southern Lady: The Southern Lady, is the most repsected in all southern womanhood. Unlike Southern Belles, southern ladies are strong and indepedent women who dont tend to pout when they dont get their way. The Southern lady is well educated, well read, and can be usually found as a dolcet at the local art musuems or gift shops. They tend to be heavily perfumed, extremely well dressed, and all men stand at attention when they enter the room. The Southern lady is the most gracious, kind and couterous of all, often extolling the virtues of true Christian values. But often never taking credit for their many charities and donations to worthy causes.
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