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The Terrorist Being Tried In New York City.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by Cloud
A few of you may have noticed, that at times I'm not that great at writing out how I feel about certain things. Passionate, sure, but often times in my passion/anger I screw up what I mean to say.

So on that note I'm not going to write anything about the fucking joke that is putting a Terrorist on trail in NYC.

I'll let someone else do that.

Before you read this, it's from a morning show DJ here in Sacramento. I know, I know, he's a DJ. But he's actually incredibly brilliant and puts things in words where I fail. Read. Enjoy.
It's titled "It's September 10th, 2001"

Please read all the way through. This might be political...READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.