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how to piss off dragn - part 13 - zealots

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:25 am
by Sideous Prime
i was looking at images of snow leapard(new version of os X) this morning and i came across a windows vs. mac discussion.

for the record, i don't hate macs. i think both macs and PC's do things well and do things not so well. i just found this post totally awesome.

"Companies borrow/steal ideas all the time, Apple makes them
functional and aesthetically pleasing. When Apple does that, they
become the benchmark for everyone else.

In your typical zealotry and fervor, you consistently forget (or, more
rather, purposefully ignore) that it is not necessarily the company that
is first to the market that makes them successful; it's often the
company that best implements those features and solutions.

As I've stated countless times and as you've blundered on ignoring
countless times, Apple's innovation and success is owed to its
implementation of technologies and making them attractive and useful
to everyone. Apple didn't invent the GUI, mouse, 3.5" floppy, USB,
CD-ROM, etc., but they're the company that defined those products
and made them useable or popular.

Again, for who knows how many times I've stated it before, Apple
didn't invent the music player or touch screen cell phones, they just
made them better.

Incidentally, you must really have it in for BASF. The entire basis
for the chemical corporation is, "We don?t make a lot of the products
you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better."

"Hey, I'm just using Apple zealot logic here!"

Considering how completely backwards your arguments consistently
are, I'm pretty sure it's just your usual logic at work."


Re: how to piss off dragn - part 13 - zealots

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 10:16 pm
by pewterdragn
Sid thinks?