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creative suicide

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:18 am
by Sideous Prime
has anyone ever attempted suicide with a paperclip? sug is gonna PM me his letter for proofreading before he publishes it as a memior.

the psychic in me saw an image of the grim reaper putting a noose around his neck while prozac was talking.

Re: creative suicide

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:34 pm
by Prozac
Man, that's just cold blooded. Sug and I went on to have an intervention for him and he's recovering nicely now ------------> HOLY BUCKETS! :lol:

Wow, everyone was wanting to slit their wrists, was I really that bad? Oh well, I'm gonna go watch The Virgin Suicides and The Suicide Kings for a nice pick me up. LOL

I guess last night was like Chappelle's Show - "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong" lmfao!

Good times ?!? Prozac 8)

Re: creative suicide

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:17 pm
by Porkinator
Yea that waws way tooooooo muuccchhh information last nihgt.
I really did not want to know that he was a teen-age prostitue in Hollnad and he was a bisexual eskimo (I gues that what bipolar means ) and why he realy really really likes long neck Budiweiser bottles.
I was looking for a way out of life while he was talking too Sid.
I was going to stomp on my own head but that did not work.
Life just ins't worth living after last night.