FAr Cry 2

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FAr Cry 2

Postby Deadly » Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:11 pm

I've played about 3% of the game by the in game metrics.

My first impressions are that FC2 is a cross between STALKER and Call of Duty 2. One has to use "iron sights" by holding the mouse 2 button to aim with any accuracy. There is no cross hair. I seem to be spending more than 50% of the game traveling from one point to another, even using the available vehicles. Enemies with no body armor take multiple hits before dying. Head shots are more effective. It's hard to see enemies a lot of times, so I've been pounded by bullets without seeing the shooter.

One has missions to accomplish, which are rewarded with the ability to buy weapons and upgrades for weapons. So: RPG elements are integral. One has a map to navigate to mission objectives.

There are some minor bugs. For example, one enemy warped about 2 feet to his left suddenly.

IT is possible to have some leeway in reaching objectives, although so far there have been a lot of choke points that I had to pass to get to a mission objective. So, I didn't feel like there was a lot of freedom to be creative. It was impossible to sneak past gurad posts, for example. I had to shoot it out with the guards.

I'd give the single player game a B- in the overall fun to play category. Crysis and Half Life 2 are both more fun to play, and I definitely felt more freedom to reach objectives in multiple ways in Crysis. I have not tried multiplayer yet.

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Re: FAr Cry 2

Postby Trinity » Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:27 pm

I've never bought from this site before but they are selling Far Cry 2 for $32.90. Looks like that price is done at 3am ET though.

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Re: FAr Cry 2

Postby law.of.averages » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:50 pm

Thanks for the review Mr. D.

Bit by bit, I've been scraping the old games off my HD...

Finished Crysis, and Doom III ...finally...

Working "Dungeon Seige" off and on...

Probably won't buy a new game until I get rid of Half-Life 2

But I *might* go back and finish Descent III if I can make a Windows 98 VM with direct-x support.

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Re: FAr Cry 2

Postby Hoss » Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:15 pm

Thanks for the review Deadly. Watched some of the demos for Gears of War 2 and wow it looks good! Then I see that Cliffy Butthead is never going to release a PC version. I need 3 volunteers to assist in my assassination of this jerk.

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