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What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:20 am
by Deadly
I've had some fun playing UT3, but the changes that I've noticed don't seem like improvements.
I'd like to find out what the people who are playing it regularly like about it.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 11:32 am
by Porkinator
The game is fun and there is no doubt about that as far as I am concerned.
I have spent about an half hour most every nite this week helping my old clan leader
from c2c get ready for a tournament. He has won his fair share of smaller 1v1 tournaments in 2004 and has a private passworded server and we are using the new utcomp for ut3 that lets you play in warmup mode. I like the movements one you get used to them. There seems to be a built in mouse acelleration that even if you turn it off in the ini it still makes the sniper rifle hard to use.
Over the last week I have been getting better and beter with it and the suffer(the old clan leader ) has been getting really good with it. We have been playing deck a lot and
even though it is different than the 04 version the movement patterns are not that hard to figure out once you play one person enough times.
I really really miss the LG in UT3 and I am sure there will be a mod for it.
It is a game that is diffrent fron 04 in a lot of ways and the same in a lot of ways so ieven if it is a different game the mind keeps making comparisions while you are playing it.
In a game like COD4 and others there is no expectation of it being anything like ut2004
if that makes any sense. If there was no ut2004 and this game came out then it would do a lot better than it is now.
Most people who really like Ut3 never played ut2004 ( I assume mainly PS3 player)
who probably never had a game of this quality for the PS3 before. It does need work and I posted on Epics forums that we really need the user interface that 2004 has and the ability to change graphic and audio settings like ut2004. Epic will make it right in future patches but I understand the frustration of not being able to set your game up with the GUI on the fly.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:57 pm
by Rom
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:51 pm
by Nytefyre
i dont think im going anywhere for a while...ill be in UT2004 for a bit, for a few reasons...
1-my komp really isnt strong enough to run UT3 properly...
2-i personally dont like the gameplay...yes, i DO have the demo, and i DO play it, but i still dont like the way it plays...could i get to like it? sure, but i already know, have, and am practiced with UT2K4, and i feel that right now (not that i couldnt change in the future with patches and such) UT2K4 is more of a challenge, and not as 'dumbed down' to try to fit multi-platform apps...
3-most if not all of my online friends still like and play UT2K4, so y leave?
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:26 am
by Deadly
I have UT3 Rom, and I'm not playing it much. I think it's been over a week since I have. I'm not going to switch to UT3, unless the majority of the clan switches to it, and that is not happening now.
My purpose in starting the thread was to find out what people who like UT3, like about it. And, Pork is the only one in the clan so far who seems to have much enthusiasm for the game.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:02 pm
by Duffy
Although the graphics in UT3 are much better the gameplay is not what most of us that like UT have come to love. Biggest downfall is that they are trying to make it more compatible with console games which is the down fall the game play is slow and cumbersome compared to the fast paced action of UT2k4. They are actually penalizing PC players for the sake of console gamers. Servers that have both PC and console gamers will have a PC glitch to give consolers a more even playing field. F that if they cant play on fair grounds then why allow them in here. No offense to Console gamers but the consoles just dont have the ass to compete with most basic pc's with a decent graphics card. Jusy my thought but I think they door a poor ass job with this game and until they fix alot of issues mine will still be dormant on my pc taking up space.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:18 pm
by Houdini
The bio gun is a lot cooler.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:14 pm
by nonstop
Houdini wrote:The bio gun is a lot cooler.
True dat, the bio gun rocks. I'll probably play it eventually but I'm waiting on some patches to make the menus better so you can find people and servers easier. I'm a hs weapon hor and the sniper gun just feels very clunky and beyond that it just isn't a pleasure to use right now so those are the big 2 for me. Of course if most the people I knew were playing ut3 I would be to so there is my 2c for now deadly.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:19 am
by Avaris
Uh...console players and PC players can't actually be on the same server. To be honest, I think that this iteration of UT is much faster and what's more, it's "in-your-face". Hey Non, remember that the sniper rifle, is well, a sniper rifle, and isn't actually meant to be used in close combat?
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:06 am
by Enlight_2.0
Im having trouble with this question...
Besides the graphic engine that runs smoothly on my video card there isnt much. I like the added armor idea. Customizavle characters. It still feels kinda fast, and the relatively more realistic feel to it (not spacey jumps all the time) is growing on me. Finding new jumps here and there that are only reachable by the double jump - wall dodge is entertaining.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:20 pm
by nonstop
Avaris wrote:Uh...console players and PC players can't actually be on the same server. To be honest, I think that this iteration of UT is much faster and what's more, it's "in-your-face". Hey Non, remember that the sniper rifle, is well, a sniper rifle, and isn't actually meant to be used in close combat?
Well... you do have a point there I suppose.
Re: What is new, or cool, or better in UT3?
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:03 pm
by Shadow Devil
Folks, let's give the game some time. Epic can't possibly fix everything right away. Also, this gives us the time we need to upgrade our PCs before (at least I) makes the jump.