The definition of discreet

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The definition of discreet

Postby law.of.averages » Mon May 21, 2007 1:03 pm wrote:Main Entry: dis·creet
Pronunciation: di-'skrEt
Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French discret, from Medieval Latin discretus, from Latin, past participle of discernere to separate, distinguish between -- more at DISCERN

1 : having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech : PRUDENT; especially : capable of preserving prudent silence

2 : UNPRETENTIOUS, MODEST <the warmth and discreet elegance of a civilized home -- Joseph Wechsberg>

3 : UNOBTRUSIVE, UNNOTICEABLE <followed at a discreet distance>

- dis·creet·ly adverb
- dis·creet·ness noun

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Postby Yrrek » Mon May 21, 2007 2:35 pm


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Postby Houdini » Wed May 23, 2007 5:53 am

I bet there is some gigantic titties under taht sticker!

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Postby law.of.averages » Wed May 23, 2007 6:10 pm

Houdini wrote:I bet there is some gigantic titties under taht sticker!

I'm not sayin

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