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i waz thinkin l8tly....SKARY!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:40 pm
by Nytefyre
i just wanted to say that there are a few ppl in the klan, and some not in the klan that have been impressing me l8tly, and i wanted to point them out and say gud job... :D

the 'most improved' _.-<>{IN MY OWN OPINION!!}<>-._ TOP 3 in -T¡-

listed in no particular order...

1- DeadlyDoRight ---> youve been relly picking it up reciently man...

im really impressed with ur smarter play and sneaky taktiks...

2- Porkinator ---> nyce hitskanning l8tly... and u dont seem to get as rattled as much with larger #s of ppl...

3- Law.Of.Averages ---> i think youve done alot better all around...

i need to get used to u killin me from behind... now i kno y u all call me names when i do that 2 u... o, and nyce OWNAGE on the boards... :D

non klan player...

MLH-Tiggrrrr ---> what little ive known of this mysterious player, ive seen her go from average to downryght sneaky and had gretly improved her aim... nyce work Tig

o, 1 more person i should mention...


ClownMajik ---> that damn SG musta absorbed like 10k worth of potential damage to you.... that, and its as funny as it is annoying to watch you mess with ppl... LOL

just thought these ppl deserved some recognition...keep up the gud playin'!!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:49 am
by law.of.averages
Oooh I made the cut.

Thanks Sir. I beleive I was doing better before vista, but it may just be I need to re-adjust again.

Re: i waz thinkin l8tly....SKARY!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:42 pm
by nonstop
Nytefyre wrote:i just wanted to say that there are a few ppl in the klan, and some not in the klan that have been impressing me l8tly, and i wanted to point them out and say gud job... :D

the 'most improved' _.-<>{IN MY OWN OPINION!!}<>-._ TOP 3 in -T¡-

listed in no particular order...

1- DeadlyDoRight ---> youve been relly picking it up reciently man...

im really impressed with ur smarter play and sneaky taktiks...

2- Porkinator ---> nyce hitskanning l8tly... and u dont seem to get as rattled as much with larger #s of ppl...

3- Law.Of.Averages ---> i think youve done alot better all around...

i need to get used to u killin me from behind... now i kno y u all call me names when i do that 2 u... o, and nyce OWNAGE on the boards... :D

non klan player...

MLH-Tiggrrrr ---> what little ive known of this mysterious player, ive seen her go from average to downryght sneaky and had gretly improved her aim... nyce work Tig

o, 1 more person i should mention...


ClownMajik ---> that damn SG musta absorbed like 10k worth of potential damage to you.... that, and its as funny as it is annoying to watch you mess with ppl... LOL

just thought these ppl deserved some recognition...keep up the gud playin'!!

And don't forget ..

4) Nytefyre - most smarmy jackass

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:41 pm
by Houdini
missed the cut again... ( is this cause that lick your eyeballs thing?)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:02 pm
by nonstop
Houdini wrote:missed the cut again... ( is this cause that lick your eyeballs thing?)

Actually Houdini you have been doing some freakishly good combos.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:51 am
by Porkinator
Thanks for the compliment Nyte now do me a favor and die when I hit you.
Deadly has been living up to his name lately and is about as scary as most of the clan and the bastid has learned how to ambush.
Tiggrr has been getting more and more dangerous as she plays with Ti and she starting to pwn me at almost every encounter.
Houdini sticks out in my mind as getting better faster than most and he has learned to survive a Pork Rocket Attack which seemed to be the only way I could take him out. I swear that Non has a Pork radar that lets him take me out within 5 seconds after a TAM map starts so I can sit there and watch him systematically destroys
my teamates. Someday Nyte I am gonna figure out how to defeat that pogo stick up your butt move that makes me stand there amd trying to frag you while you bounce up and down and then you take me out with one shot. Klown and Sid are just hackers that
have something built in their game that makes most of my shots miss them.
This clan is chock full of great players like Naix and even Pewter seems to be getting better. I want to have hitscan like Rom
that never seems to miss and is my hero when it comes to hitscan
and it goes to show only a pig can have a frenchy as a hero.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:31 pm
by Houdini
nonstop wrote:
Houdini wrote:missed the cut again... ( is this cause that lick your eyeballs thing?)

Actually Houdini you have been doing some freakishly good combos.

Thanks man I take great pride in my shock balls.

Pork thanks for the kind words. I was thinking if you worked in a quick switch to the mini after a bit of your spastic pig rocket bonanza and finish me off that way i think it would work better.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:12 pm
by Nytefyre
no, houdi, ur doing gr8 also....

i just listed the TOP 3

just about all of the -T¡- group is growing with their skills and taktiks.... i just didnt want to write a 4 page

and yes, ur kombos are getting skary....and u seen to kno where to lead them to nail some1....nyce work