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Good stuff... Bush on sovereignty

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 10:59 am
by nonstop
This went around several months ago but found it again. If you missed it it's sidesplittingly funny and horrifying all at the same time.

Seemed apropos as it's on "tribal" issues.

Make sure and listen or watch first.

(Watch video)
or (turn sound up)

(listen) ... eignty.mp3

Yes, that was the press laughing at him.

Mark Trahant of the Native American Journalists Association (NAJA) asked him, "What do you think tribal sovereignty means in the 21st century, and how do we resolve conflicts between tribes and the federal and the state governments?"

Bush: "Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 3:31 pm
by Rall_Ricker
i no bush looks stupid a lot but hes still a lot better president than most guys

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:39 pm
by Avaris
Rall, you probably shouldn't say those words unless you want to spark a heated political debate. In my opinion, but is by far one of the worst presidents, so this just fuels the ideal for it.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 6:03 am
by law.of.averages
I think we could have done better... but in reality our children will make that determination not us.

As the world demand for oil rises, while the supply of oil gets harder and harder to maintain, it may turn out that having a strong millitary presence in an oil rich country might turn out to be the best thing for America.

But I'm not all that sure that I would want to live in the kind of America that would take resources by force.

Would you?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:09 am
by nonstop
law.of.averages wrote:
But I'm not all that sure that I would want to live in the kind of America that would take resources by force.

Would you?

Good point. I guess if you look at the history of the world, you have to factor in US trying to be dominant as just playing out a typical role that Hitler and other people that did the same kind of thing did thinking that they were 'right' and others were 'wrong.' It kind of means were just being typical and doing our role to keep the Law of Averages going through history. :lol:

More importantly, I think it's funny how Bush lovers have no sense of humor. If you poke fun at Clinton or a Democrat it's deserved. If you poke fun at Bush, well now that's just wrong because he's 'right' and God is on his side because God hates him some Arabs. :oops: :wink:

This was just funny, so laugh!!! :o :) No need to defend the boob, just laugh cause I don't care who you are, that is funny $hit. 8)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 2:28 pm
by Avaris
Everyone these days say that since god is by their side, they're right. In my opinion ( I know this will bring the flames out, luckily I have the extinguisher 8), if God were tangible enough for us to see, know he is there, there wouldn't be any fighting over these sort of issues at all. Our last hope is to hope in ourselves and human nature, but the latter will probably fail us all...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 9:31 am
by Rall_Ricker
so r u saying if God was with us he wouldnt let this happen? i doubt that just cause there is war doesnt mean God isnt with us

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 9:46 am
by nonstop
Oh lord Rall. I'm just saying God loves the people and families that we are destroying, killing and maiming as much as He loves anyone. America is very ego centric and we feel it right to kill others to make sure we are ok and we feel that we are justified in doing so because we have manifest destiny. We really arn't much different from the merciless killers that founded this country slaughtering an entire nation of people. I mean, weren't we 'right' and wasn't God with us and not with them back then too? The history of the American Indian is a testimony to what we are today. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

But mostly, per above, I was just wanting to share a laugh. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:34 pm
by Rall_Ricker
ur right non but i was talking to kaff

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:20 pm
by nonstop
doh! :oops:

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 4:39 pm
by Rall_Ricker
lol its ok

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 9:07 pm
by Avaris
Rall, look in the bible and tell me what it says! Doesn't it specifically say that "Thou shall not kill"? This doesn't discriminated between religions and skin colors.

I voted against him twice

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:11 pm
by sexyhubble
It was the year 2000, I just started my new job at the insurance office. I came home a little later than usual that night, I was 21 years old. I came home only to realize it was election night. I completely forgot. I explained to my family I had to go to my local school to vote. They said why????!!! I told him cause I had a bad feeling about a certain person running for the Presidency. I explained to them that if a certain person won, I felt it would be a huge mistake and the cause of many many many problems for not just us, but all of us (the human race). My family was like OKAYYYYY, what is the point they are both the same, stop kidding yourself, nothing will happen either way.
I Blame this person for 9-11 (it's okay to keep blaming Clinton, even though he wasn't the leader at the time, but some how being in charge when it actually occurred is not a certain person's fault, it's also okay to keep blaming clinton for the economic problems, but not a certain somebody who is in charge at the time, it's been 5 fucking years and our economy is getting worse and worse) 9-11 was a horrible tragedy, yet no matter how horrible it was, something, I mean some little good thing could have come out of such a tragedy. One small example, I actually decided to go to Church, I'm sure many people were scared and confused and decided to go to Church as well. The World will be on our side, the World would be sympathetic to us, the world would decide to help us or understand what we went through. Instead, we are more hated now around the world than probably at any point in our 200 plus year history. Our people are now beyond stupid and lazy, they think everything is owed to us, including revenge on those who hurt us. Religion is now used to oppress people, the Church rather than being there to help those scared or curious is now viewed as the place of "a certain President" a joke, a hateful, narrow minded hypocritical joke. Blame Clinton for a blow job, sure, but to love a man who says he will oppress those who are different or sinful or not like him that is okay. (this certain Presidental genius, didn't even fulfill one of his promises (no matter how hateful) "the state laws are sovereign, no state can force another to abide by another's law, that's the way it is " Bush just gave his most crazy evil, uneducated hick supporters the middle finger (yet they still love him and forgive him) As you all know Boston recently married more couples of the same sex. I have never seen anyone as dumb as this person hold so much power. I mean there have been crazy, stupid, and evil leaders in our history. This president is not evil (believe it or not, he doesn't mean to be evil, but it is a by-product of his choices and decisions) but he is more than stupid and crazy.

Sorry guys had to get that off my chest, I voted twice against this person, I probably have to vote against him a third time too (just like Emporer Palpatine, rules will be changed and a new empire will emerge)

To my fellow Ti buds and guests who voted for Bush, I still love you guys, it's Bush who I fear. Fear the Bush!!!!!!! Back to my vacation!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:21 pm
by Avaris
Thank you, Hubble! By the way, in a interview once, he said that his favorite tree was a.......bush.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:57 am
by Rall_Ricker
so u blame bush for 9-11 even tho there was no way to stop it at all and u also blame him for the economy that went up after 9-11 and was horrible even before when clinton was in office.