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10 reasons not to rush out and get Vista.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:49 pm
by Houdini



Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:35 am
by law.of.averages
Houdini, if you scanned those in yourself, here's a tip. Get a sheet or three of black construction paper. When you start to see the 'back page' bleeding through like it does in those images, put the construction paper between the pages and the scanner lid.

Makes it all go away like magic

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:42 am
by Nytefyre
thanx for the info houdi

those are all very good points

Law: actually, ive found that heavy white paper works better...i say that from xperience, i used to be a kinko's kopy-monkey (although i have used a black vinyl cover like a report cover on really depends on what the 'back-page' iz....)

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:14 pm
by Houdini
law.of.averages wrote:Houdini, if you scanned those in yourself, here's a tip. Get a sheet or three of black construction paper. When you start to see the 'back page' bleeding through like it does in those images, put the construction paper between the pages and the scanner lid.

Makes it all go away like magic

What do I look like a 2nd grade teacher? Construction paper, lolers.

On the real I know your right I tried using the only paper I had here which was white but I used a bunch of them guess black is the only way to go.