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dikes and canals

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:06 pm
rall has seen this, but i think all of you should know about this one..

so yesterday

i am stocking ice cream at target

and these two lesbians creep up to me

one of them is the manliest woman i have ever seen

she asks me, "hullo bud, do you sell condoms here"

it wasnt polite, but i was standing there in awe.. heres this... man, with boobs and highlighted hair, asking me about condoms

I do not know if target sells condoms or not... So I call it on the walkie, and trust me, i dont want to announce to every target employee that there are lesbians in frozen who want condoms

Me:"Grocery Rich"
Rich:"This is Rich, can I help you find something"
Me:"Yeah Rich.. where are the condoms?"
--a long silence--
Rich:"excuse me?"
Me:"Condoms, where are they"
Rich:"What is your location"
Me:"Aisle 15"

so Rich walks to aisle 15. when he sees the manly woman, he freaks and ill bet you money he threw up a little in his mouth, then says "im sorry sir, condoms are in the pharmacy"

the lesson here is that i died a little on the inside. i guess lesbians use condoms

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:16 am
by law.of.averages
I remember back when that sex-ed teacher got fired and made big news for using an adult-toy to demonstrate to the class how to install a condom.

Maybe that's what your customers are doing... keeping their toys clean.