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A Half Baked Idea

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:17 pm
by law.of.averages
Tuesday, we got sign-off on our big L.A. project...The work is done, and the lovely Mrs. Law and I have some down time.

... deprived of external stimuli, Law's thoughts again turn inward ...

Why does everything relate to bread?

Bread? Money?
Dough? Money?
The best thing since sliced bread?
Pinch a loaf?
Loaf around?
He's Toast?

Re: A Half Baked Idea

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:35 pm
by Avaris
law.of.averages wrote:Tuesday, we got sign-off on our big L.A. project...The work is done, and the lovely Mrs. Law and I have some down time.

... deprived of external stimuli, Law's thoughts again turn inward ...

Why does everything relate to bread?

Bread? Money?
Dough? Money?
The best thing since sliced bread?
Pinch a loaf?
Loaf around?
He's Toast?

I suppose because bread is one of the earliest things man was able to create not by hunting or gathering, but of the human race's own ingenuity. In that way, humans have been associating bread as one of the staple and commonplace things in society. Those loafers, taking all our dough :?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:56 pm
by Houdini
...hit someone in the breadbasket
the breadbasket of life