any advice from the techie minds?

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any advice from the techie minds?

Postby MadSkittles » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:51 pm

Wondering if anyone had a clue with a certain problem.

The problem - internet keeps dropping on desktop computer, I can repair the network connection (which does the clear cache, arp, and other things), fixes it for about 2 minutes and then it drops again, the modem says its fine and everythings connected but its not. Also Ive connected my lap top and it stays connected just fine so has to be something with the computer.

Things ive tried - Ive tried reseting modem, with the semi reset (power on power off) and the full reset actually reseting the modem ip settings by holding the reset, I get the same works for 2 mins then drops again. Ive ran all the virus scanners that I had about 4 different ones (spybot, avg, hijack this, smitfraud, and couple other little things), and havent found anything of signficance and none of that helped either. Ive tried reseting the winsock 2 sockets and the lsp using the the tools. Ive tried messing with the dns settings a little to see if something there got screwed up. But none of this seems to change anything on it. Ive followed advice that Ive read on internet on what I could the problem on the Ie7 says at the bottom left after it cant connect like res./dnsdiagoff.hmtl or something similiar to that it has a little more about it. Microsoft doesnt seem to have a fix for that they just seem to throw it off as a virus thing but others say its not. But also that its only suppose to happen with service pack 1, and i have service pack 3.

Background and what might be wrong? - recently before this happened week or so before, while in games i would hear a click click ding type of noise you know the type u get when new hardware is plugged in ?, and then my mouse would also reset its dpi on the fly settings, like it was losing power then regaining it 1/2 sec later. before that a month or so before my 300 watt psu (old computer) went out, and took my back fan with it so was runniing it with cover open to exhaust the heat, but swithced to a 250 psu i had laying around, seemed sufficient to run everything at full at least at the time. Was possibly thinking maybe the chipset in my motherboard got damaged and has been slowly dieing over the past month and now something is screwed up somehow with the bios that would cause internet probs ? ( i dont know much bout the bios or anythign there so clueless there).

Any possible suggestions before trying to reinstall windows fully ? Cause at this point thats where I would move forward too after what ive tried, but just dont want hassle trying to save files down and do all that if i dont have too.

Oh ya ive also tried using firefox and i get the same thing so its not just the browser type.

Thanks Guys.

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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby Porkinator » Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:14 pm

Try putting a cheap network card in and see if that helps and disable the onboard network card on the motherboard.
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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby Prozac » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:17 pm

Hi Skittles, if you really want extremely good tech advice, you need to visit and join a forum called Hard Forum: If they can't help you fix you pc stuff, it's probably broken beyond repair. Go there now! : )

Good luck, Prozac

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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby Porkinator » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:24 pm

I guess that is where Prozac went to get the download for his AMD cpu.
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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby Trinity » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:19 pm

Fully agree with Pork about the cheap network card thing. Something else would be uninstalling then reinstalling your current NIC drivers. If you're really using a 250 watt PSU that would have me extremely worried. Don't think I've used anything under 350 in several years and I would wonder about it providing enough power to all your components.

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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby pewterdragn » Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:40 am

Definitely increase the PSU. 250 is too small for modern stuff.

Make SURE you heard a USB disconnect/reconnect and check system logs to see if any other devices are dropping and reconnecting. USB restarts + NIC drops are usually signals you are losing the motherboard. BUT with that low power PSU the mobo might just not be able to supply sufficient power. Usually when this is the case its easier to tell... but you might just be on the verge. Fix the power situation first, then come back to troubleshooting more.
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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby MadSkittles » Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:06 am

Thank you for the replies guys :). Ive been a little worried about the psu, but its a 4 to 5 year old system that only has a 2.3 gig duo core amd, and a 5200 graphics card in it so was thinking it would be sufficient(cause the previous 300 watt seemed to run fine). Also was going to be giving this off to someone that wont be running anything that will require hardly anything from the graphics card so.

I put in a cheap network card I was able to grab off a computer from work (free) :). So when I get the computer back hooked up I will see if it works fine with that. Been messing with my brand new computer i got something fishy been going on with the cmos battery on the motherboard or something (sometimes it wont like power the monitor like it doesnt go through all the system checks, it will sit there for 15 minutes or so giving me 10 short beeps). Leaving the computer on for a few days straight see if its just the battery wasnt charged well enough. But thats why I havent been able to mess with old one again yet.

Anyways Pewter you said something bout checking the usb disconnect/reconnect logs ? and the nic logs ? Well I have not a clue how to go about doing that lol, is it easy thing to do ? Something I could just google to look up how too? Sorry im pretty novice when it comes to this stuff.

Oh ya btw there was one day I was getting the same issue and same sounds on the new computer with the mouse like losing power so that might of just been a mouse dieing, ive had my mx518 for about 5 years so.

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Re: any advice from the techie minds?

Postby MadSkittles » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:50 pm

Well hooked up old computer again yesterday to try it out, so far so good with the cheap network card I put in it.

Thank you pork for the suggestions to try that :). Also thanks to the others to confirm that as well as the other suggestions :).

thanks again guys.

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