Everyone's Majors from Old Server

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Everyone's Majors from Old Server

Postby -Jeta- » Wed May 11, 2005 10:51 pm

Mae-Eye wrote:Graphic Design major

Sideous Prime wrote:Graduated in 2001 as a bachelor of science
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Business Administration

DOC wrote:IT/LAn Admin, specalizing in Cisco hardware, MS server software and social engineering. Eventually want to learn Novell

TRINITY wrote:Finally received my Bachelor of Business Administration in December of 2004; Majored in Accounting.

SOULJA wrote:I will be an Instrumental Performance Major at University of the Arts in Philly.After my first semester I will try and double over in Composition as well.

ACE wrote:1st Major is in BS (although didn't get credit for it)
2nd Major in Computer Science. Minor in Mathematics. In my experience, only my first major gets used daily

TOM COLLINS wrote:I went for 2 years (Kutztown U) as an accounting major but dropped out...This is the first semester that im back
... WTF ...

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