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[YKI]You Knows It!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:34 pm
by [YKI]Inky
Hello all (again)!

I just took a look around and figured this is where I should have originally posted at. :oops:

Well I just thought I'd you guys a bit of our info and invite you all to come visit our servers.

Our site can be found at

Call of Duty 4 Servers:
[YKI]Hardcore Server-
[YKI]Free for All-
[YKI]Sniper MOD-

Unreal Tournament 2004 Servers:
[YKI]Camper and Sniper Server (TDM)-
[YKI]Onslaught Server-

I'll be telling my fellow clan members to check out your servers as well. I don't think many of them are familiar with TAM much either but if they can pull themselves away from COD4 long enough, I'm sure they'd like it!

Thanks again for your time,

Re: [YKI]You Knows It!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 10:56 am
by Houdini
Very nice.

Re: [YKI]You Knows It!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 2:19 pm
by Rall_Ricker
awesome hope to cya lata