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Request to add DM-Darius

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:25 pm
by Sôöpâ Shäwtÿ
Here's a map I thought some folks might like, and I really think it would work well both on the TDM pub and the TAM server. It's called Darius; semi-symmetrical, lots of good z-axis chances, and well-varied gameplay. I suggest to at least give it a trial run.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:49 am
by Cüßèli
Yes , i have played that map back in the days TDM style. not a bad map at all & good to have in rotatiom.
I believe there's an area up top where you can only reach by performing a lift jump. sort of in between two tubes where the croud applauds!! careful the steam from the above vent 8)