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umm yeah we got banned for no reason?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:24 pm
by darklight
me and my buddies got banned from your server.......why? pewter?


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:25 pm
by RFXSavior
Yes, i can attest to reason for a ban, no one even said a word to us. We were hardly even talking b/c we are on team speak. I would like to know the reason for this as well.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:28 pm
by hitokiri
Very uncool.

Not one warning for anything. Just a flat out perma ban for no reason.
The server was public, open house, I joined the team with less points. Then banned in the middle of the game.

Great way to start bad blood!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:34 pm
by Pha~Q
ummm ya i was there too hell i did not even get one shot off when i was banned too and hell i joined when it was even game too...

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:52 pm
by pewterdragn
Hey guys,

You're not perm banned. I didn't even recognize you with the new tag, Darklight.

We we're on TS too and tried a few text msgs cause the teams were so uneven - ended up being 6v3 and you guys still stacked the teams to be on the same team.

We get people joining like that all the time to "force" a scrim by making players switch to even the teams while we're in the middle of a game and we're a little tired of that. That's what it looked like you were doing. It would have been cooler to play through the round and stack the teams the next match if you really wanted to play a quick scrim match. We don't mind playing with others - actually enjoy it.

We're not trying to start bad blood at all and would love to see you guys online again.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:07 pm
by RFXSavior
I apologize if it looked like that was the case. It was not, all of our player preferences are blue and i certainly didnt notice more than a 1 person diff...which cant be fixed obv....we simply joined the server b/c there was enough space for all of us and i do not recall any text messages, im normally pretty acute to that. We're always upfront about looking for a scrim in particular and feel no need to force it.

Once again, apologies, if there were text messages sent on your part i will assume that that was the case and accept it.

Thank you for lifting the bans and see you ingame.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:19 pm
by ClownMajik
RFXSavior wrote:I apologize if it looked like that was the case. It was not, all of our player preferences are blue and i certainly didnt notice more than a 1 person diff...

I saw two of you join from red to blue when you entered the server...

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:22 pm
by hitokiri
Can you please show us the chat logs of when you said to even the teams?

Cause when I came in, blue was losing and I think was down a man, so I went blue. Then my comrades started joining in, and someone (i guess a Ti guy) switched to red to even it up while one of our guys was still loading the level. (i.e. in the map, but not yet in the map)

The teams were even, and NO text messages were attempted. It was a simple ban after blue started winning. At no point in time was it 6v3, please do not lie. A ban without a text warning is the same type of disprespect between clans as it is if I joined this forum and said F you all, love RFX.

As said before, we were not trying to force a scrim and if one of your men didnt switch to red (to go with HIS clan) then one or maybe 2 of our guys would have defaulted to red due to player balance.

In the end, it's over with, but I do NOT like being banned without warning. It's a huge sign of disrespect to me.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:26 pm
by ClownMajik
hitokiri wrote:Can you please show us the chat logs of when you said to even the teams?

Cause when I came in, blue was losing and I think was down a man, so I went blue. Then my comrades started joining in, and someone (i guess a Ti guy) switched to red to even it up while one of our guys was still loading the level. (i.e. in the map, but not yet in the map)

Overfilling teams is fine when a score is 6-3 or worse. However this happened when it was 4-2. Hardly uneaven.

Later in the match, another had joined and changed from red to blue. Im sure the score was still about even. The game was shortly over then. Two more rounds, and it ended 9-10.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:57 pm
by Yrrek
Sounds like I missed a fun night! Studying takes precendence, sadly. =( I'll be there wednesday though!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:45 am
by law.of.averages
looks like I left before it got fun :-)

clown wrote:Overfilling teams is fine when a score is 6-3 or worse. However this happened when it was 4-2. Hardly uneaven.

Wouldn't that all depend on which side was getting overfilled?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:57 am
by Ace
hitokiri wrote:It's a huge sign of disrespect to me.

I think it's a huge sign of disrespect to join a game, in progress, and proceed to through the course of "magic" to get all your clan guys on the same team in the process disrupting the game that is being played. Call me crazy, but I think you should take a look in the mirror.

I've got the game demorec'd and would be more then happy to post it.

The only mistake we made was by Dragn switching to red to fix the imbalance you guys created, which only allowed more of you guys to pile on blue. I was the last to switch because at that point it would have been 4v5...and quite frankly I didn't want to be on the same team with any of you.

Not to sound like an ass, but how about joining the team you come in on? If you want to scrim, ask us. If we are just playing around, don't jump in and try to make a scrim, I don't respect that.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:57 am
by nonstop
Ok it looks like the only way to solve this is to get thier clan's women and Ti's women and have a pillow fight. My $ is on Jeta!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:35 am
by law.of.averages
Who won? (TAM, not the pillow fight)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:37 am
by RFXSavior
Ace wrote:
hitokiri wrote:It's a huge sign of disrespect to me.

I think it's a huge sign of disrespect to join a game, in progress, and proceed to through the course of "magic" to get all your clan guys on the same team in the process disrupting the game that is being played. Call me crazy, but I think you should take a look in the mirror.

I've got the game demorec'd and would be more then happy to post it.

The only mistake we made was by Dragn switching to red to fix the imbalance you guys created, which only allowed more of you guys to pile on blue. I was the last to switch because at that point it would have been 4v5...and quite frankly I didn't want to be on the same team with any of you.

Not to sound like an ass, but how about joining the team you come in on? If you want to scrim, ask us. If we are just playing around, don't jump in and try to make a scrim, I don't respect that.

*This post is in a calm and debating harshness intended.

You guys made an assumption, thats what im seeing. Post your demo rec, id like to see it. IF someone in our clan switched when it was clearly not the best thing to do for the match im sure it was more of a mistake...there was no chatter in TS about "getting all the rfx guys" on one side. If by doing so your clan starts switching then you perpetuated the problem of trying to even the teams...
If a RFX member did switch to blue to be with RFX, it was on their own terms and not a group deal. Once again, now that its been taken this far and Ace has commented, i would like to see the chat logs/demo rec...unless this can end now.

In this case, assumptions made an A$$ out of U and Me (i just like the saying). Ace's last point is reeking with assumptions and finger pointing not warranted but obv. he feels their justified. I think its a wrong move on your part though. I dont tend to come into a game and all of a sudden assume everyone on the server are self serving a$$holes. Also, by saying that you wouldnt want to be on a team with anyone of us anyway...does make you sound like an ass, so your doing a great job. Im sensing some self righteousness coming from both sides and wish to see it end. It's already become a waste of time and i fear it has become a obstacle to future fun matches.

Good day.