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Please consider adding UT comp 1.6 with newnet on

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 6:30 pm
by Arienrhode
Hey guys, been playing a little on your 12 slot TDM server lately (aliasing of course :p). It seems like a pretty good server for people like me that are not nearly good enough for fractionary or factory, but I would really like to see UT comp 1.6 /w newnet on added to the server if you have even considered it. It really does wonders for those of us without the best connections.


Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 9:09 pm
by pewterdragn
Hi Arienrhode!

Welcome to the boards. We won't be putting UTComp on our stock public server any time soon - its meant to be stock (it sucks we even have to have security mods on it). We do have a publicly open (at least most of the time) TDM server using UTComp at

Its not as busy as the stock server but if you join usually it will fill up in a bit.