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Postby HK-47 » Sun May 01, 2005 4:51 pm

Name: HK-47

Age: 4.7 Millenia

Location: Last meat bags grave.

Marriage Status: Married to Flack Cannon :lol:

Skills: Retired Jedi Bounty Hunter, Prefers ownage with the Flack Cannon. E.T.A.K.P. (aka Enhanced Technological Ass Kicking Performance)

Team Play: Like Tony the Tiger, Grrrreat!

Areas for Improvement: Sniping & Shock Combos

Attitude: Free-Flowin'

Pet Peeves: Lag/Spawn kills

Most Embarassing Moment: Blew myself up with a deemer, but got a multi kill for it! 8)

What do I offer Ti as a Clan: Did I mention my Enhanced Technological Ass Kicking Performance?

Reason for applying: Ti is a very Fun Clan and everyone on there pwnz. :twisted:

Posts: 2220
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:56 pm

Postby nonstop » Sun May 01, 2005 5:53 pm

hey 47. Good to see you. Your always a welcome player on the servers.

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Postby Avaris » Mon May 02, 2005 2:33 pm

Hmmm...shock combos are where a lot of people could use improvement :lol:

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Postby HK-47 » Mon May 02, 2005 4:53 pm

Yeah my shock combos aren't the best, but my sniping is getting decent. :)
A wise man once said...

" Beer is the path of the Jedi, but be careful young padawan. For Beer can lead to hard liquor, hard liquor leads to loose women, loose women lead to herpes. Herpes is the path to the dark side!" - Yoda; College Years

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Postby Nytefyre » Mon May 02, 2005 5:45 pm

nyce app! me likie!

good to have u playing man....ur always a good, fun kompetitor
10% Luck, 20% Skill, 15% Consentrated Power of Will,
5% Pleasure, 50% Pain, and 100% Reason to Remember The Name

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