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by NegativeX
Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:41 pm
Forum: ut: open unreal forums
Topic: Map suggestions for PewterDragon
Replies: 18
Views: 15748

Its his server. Pewter can do what he wants, he can force a map change. Then everyone will leave, and he can play the map alone. Im tired of arguing over this, do what you want. Nobody sees what Im seeing. Thats okay, we are people, everyone has a different oppinion. Bottom line is I dont pay for it...
by NegativeX
Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:35 am
Forum: ut: open unreal forums
Topic: Map suggestions for PewterDragon
Replies: 18
Views: 15748

I realize that you all have a TAM server. I know that TDM is not TAM. TDM is still just as fun as TAM. If you make it where the popular maps cant be played again, then people will leave the server and go some place else with the maps that they want to play. You have to give the people what they want...
by NegativeX
Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:23 am
Forum: ut: open unreal forums
Topic: Map suggestions for PewterDragon
Replies: 18
Views: 15748

I also agree with BeerNut. Cant deny the truth when you hear it. And yes, the same maps would be played, but the server would stay packed. Its what the people want. Thats all TAM servers play, is basically the same maps over and over. Thats why they stay full. I think that if Ti had had a TDM server...
by NegativeX
Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:50 pm
Forum: ut: open unreal forums
Topic: Map suggestions for PewterDragon
Replies: 18
Views: 15748

Map suggestions for PewterDragon

hey, Ive played on PewterDragons TDM server several times. My suggestion is to either map map voting an option, or make the map order like this. Rankin, Goose2k4, Campgrounds, Grendel Keep, Corrugation, Asbestos ect... In general, I feel like me and many others would play there more often if 99.9% o...

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